Blog posts

80% whole rye with soaker (Hamelman)


Having to work at home for the foreseeable future, I wanted to pick a new-to-me bread project. I remembered that I have around 20 lbs of rye berries (thanks to GrowNYC grains), and decided to make this a period of rye experimentation, having never made very high percent rye breads. I've been looking for recipes that call for whole rye because I don't want to sift my home milled flour.

Loaf 9



50% strong white flour (250g)
50% wholemeal flour (250g)
85% hydration (roughly)
15% starter (roughly)
2% salt


Beet Sourdough

Profile picture for user pattyswildbread

I was inspired yesterday to make my two loaf sourdough recipe into Beet Sourdough.

I use my same "Classic Sourdough" recipe but added about 150 grams of cooked and mashed beets.

I put the dough in bannetons and proved in the refrigerator over night. They came straight from the frig into the oven this morning. I love this beautiful dark pink bread - it's delicious! If you try making it, let me know how it goes.

Old Cheddar, Pickled Jalapeño and Chives Sourdough

Profile picture for user Danni3ll3

I needed to try something different and an old cheddar/jalapeno combo appealed to me. I took my Pain de Campagne recipe and added the cheddar, jalapeños and some chives. Hopefully, it turns out yummy.



Note: Don’t skip the parchment paper lining on this one. You’ll never get the loaves out if you do. 




Makes 3 loaves



100 g sliced pickled jalapeños 

250 g old cheddar cheese, cut into 1/4 inch cubes

24 g minced chives


Main Dough

Fougasse and a personal formula for weekend SD loaves

Profile picture for user tortie-tabby

"Working from home" obviously isn't panning out for me. I spent all day baking bread instead of working. I did have maybe my most successful round of baking so far though. I made three fougasse, loosely based on Maurizio's SD fougasse recipe. I found that half of his recipe could make me three decently-sized fougasse, provided you make them as thin and holey as I did. They were delicious, my flatmate said it was her favorite bread I've made yet.


Just a little tweak. Or 2.

Profile picture for user alfanso

100% AP levain Hamelman WW with raisins.

Too lazy to convert my 100% hydration to a Hamelman 125% hydration AP levain.  So I changed to formula to use my existing levain.  That was easier!

I was also too lazy to refresh it, so it came out of the refrigerator and was used as is, last refreshed at least a week ago.  I had enough so I just scaled it out first and let it assume room temp.  That was easier!