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Cedar Mountain‘s Khorasan Oat Sourdough: Take 2

Profile picture for user Danni3ll3

Time to revisit this one too!




Makes 3 loaves



50 g large flake oats plus 100 g water (I got 145 g of porridge)

50 g coarse ground Khorasan (I put the dot of my Komo mill 180 degrees counter clockwise from the finest setting) plus 125 g water (I got 140 g of porridge)



300 g fresh milled Khorasan (Kamut) flour (300 g Kamut berries)

700 g strong bakers unbleached flour

700 g water + 25 g + 25 g

23 g pink Himalayan salt

30 g yogurt

18th bake. 03/05/2020. Underfermented.

Profile picture for user idaveindy

Had a late start, and ran low on starter. Should have added some instant dry yeast to speed things up.

Goal: 1200 gram (weight before baking) boule.

12:37 pm. Mix 50 g chunks of Prairie Gold (HWSW) retentate from #20 sieve, 357 g home-milled PG, 93 g home-milled hard red winter wheat from Whole Foods, 86 g home-milled Kamut, (586 g total flour/chunks), 3/16ths tablet of 500 mg tablet of vitamin C, 469 g bottled spring water.

[ 1 hour 52 minutes autolyze. ]

Loaf 8


This time, I tried to experiment with a shorter proofing time... But then life got in the way so I wasn't as scientific as I'd have liked to be. The result is OK, I cut into it about 36 hours after baking so it looks a little dry... Tasted nice, but the crumb is a little dense. 

What I'm actually thinking is that the activity of the starter is something I need to control next time. A longer bulk ferment and proof, but with a less active starter might be the key (like loaf 6)

Friday Evening Thought

Profile picture for user Beverly the Inspired

Tomorrow going to revisit & make another batch of KAF’s Soft White Sourdough Bread. That was the first yeast raised gluten-free bread I’d had any success. This time feel confident enough to make my own flour base rather than use Measure for Measure, KAF’s gluten-free all purpose mix. And! *\0/* bake it in mini loaf pans in the toaster oven *\0/*. Living life of the edge, HaHa.

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A 1.75 kg loaf from high extraction (85%) stone ground flour,  mixed in a stand mixer.

ingredients: flour, water, salt, and egg white glaze

procedure :

Weigh a kilo of flour and 20 grams of salt 

Put 300 grams of very active, very liquid, starter in stand mixer 

Add 300 gm water, mix in enough flour by hand fulls to make a thick batter.

Let ferment at 68F, for a 3 hours.

Add 300 gm water, and mix in enough to make enough flour to make a thick batter.

Let ferment at 68F, for a 3 hours.

Awesome Foursome

Profile picture for user yozzause

Here is a foursome! no not Aussie rowers. The dough was 50% wholemeal and has kipfler potato chunks and fennel bulb slices and in time to be cooled enough for lunch @ 250g each, Roll on lunch time.

  This was a follow on from my previous dough using up the last of the cottage cheese and mixing it into the wholemeal flour first like butter into flour for pastry, it worked well breaking the cheese down and less stickiness in the dough. I can also now say it tasted divine!