Charlie83's blog

Sourdough Trail


Today’s round loaf different again crisper crust more even texture a twenty four loaf from the time dough was started to the time it was put in the oven. Proofed overnight in the fridge for 12 hours it looked good not quite doubled. Preheated oven with Dutch oven in at 460 degrees placed loaf in. Slashed  it sprayed with water lid on into oven and reduced temperature to 440 degrees for 25 minutes then lid off for another 25.  Top was getting a little to dark so slipped a piece of tinfoil on top to deflect . Worked well.

Sourdough Trail


This is a loaf I made yesterday. Proofed overnight then let rest on the counter for about a half hour shaped folded and let final proof in the garage for about four hours . Preheated Dutch oven in a 460 degree oven.  I use a medium sized bowl lined with cloth liberally coated with flour as final proof basket.