Blog posts

Carrot Bread Two Ways

Profile picture for user ifs201

I had made a tasty carrot bread with spices before and wanted to do the same, but this time I thought I'd make two separate doughs and laminate them together. I did one white dough autolysed with carrot juice and a mostly whole grain dough autolysed with water.  After autolyse, I added about 100g of shredded carrot to the carrot dough.

I added cumin/chipotle powder/coriander to one loaf during lamination and I added raisins and toasted walnuts to the other. 

Sleeping Giant Brewery Cranberry Sourdough with Beaver Duck Ale

Profile picture for user Danni3ll3

This is a redo of arecipe from last October with a few changes; I used spelt flour and cranberries this time as well as ale for part of the liquid. Sleeping Giant Brewery is local and this particular ale won gold at the 2013 Canadian  Brewing Awards. 



Makes 3 loaves


700 g strong bakers unbleached flour

300 g freshly milled Spelt (300 g Spelt berries)

465 g filtered water

Overnight Country Brown+

Profile picture for user pmccool

While I have Ken Forkish's Flour, Water, Salt, Yeast, I don’t often bake from it. I'll admit to being put off by some of his notions but that doesn’t mean I should deprive myself of good bread.  So, I decided to have another look when I needed to bake a couple of weekends ago. 

Company's Coming

Profile picture for user alfanso

and I made a big fat sesame semolina long batard @1000g, and placed a full sized apple in the photo for size comparison.

And a tray of Cinnamon Buns, alfanso style.  These are made with laminated croissant dough, and I haven't been able to locate elsewhere where such dough is used for these buns.  Therefore these are alfanso style.

Roasted Garlic Sourdough with Asiago and Black Pepper


This bread was made with an augmented set of tools.  My main set of digital scales were gifted and so I pulled out a set of weights and a balance scale and did my best to measure by those means.  With my limited weight set I simply based everything off a total flour weight of 1 kilogram to make percentages and measurements simple. This formula made two pretty large oblong loaves.

The total formula was pretty simple

Flour (KA Bread Flour) -  85% - 850 Grams

Whole Wheat Flour - 10% - 100 Grams

Spelt Flour - 5% - 50 Grams

Emmer over baked on the bottom


I made my first Emmer flour bread yesterday and visually it came out great. But...the bottom was over done and somewhat burnt. The look, feel and taste on the bottom resembles an over proofed sourdough. Like there was too much sugar as the result of the yeast “over eating”.