SaraBClever's blog

Saturday's bake

Profile picture for user SaraBClever

The good news on this bread is I know my sourdough culture is strong enough, after several failed attempts this week.  However, I have to wonder (despite the great ear) if it was proofed enough.  I did the basic Tartine bread and let it rise overnight in the fridge (about 10 hours).  I'm surprised it was so much smaller than my Forkish breads, but then with many of those I've been adding instant yeast as insurance (using his hybrid dough recipe) so that could be some of the difference.  But I'm sure there's other things.  Bulk ferment not long enough?  Fin

Tartine with bolted flour

Profile picture for user SaraBClever

Today I tried Maurizio's take on the Tartine recipe today, using bolted Warthog Flour as the whole wheat and Barton Springs 00 for the remainder.  I let it proof at room temperature and then baked.  I definitely got a denser loaf than I was expecting, with the larger air pockets accumulating near the top.  I was a bit disappointed with the flatter loaf, and am not sure if it's due to the mix of flours or my shaping--I'm always a bit concerned that I don't get the ball formed tight enough

Maurizio Leo's Beginner Sourdough Bread

Profile picture for user SaraBClever

Getting back into sourdough after a long hiatus and a few false starts.  I built my starter and it took almost two weeks, but now it seems strong and vigorous.  Going to try to keep track here of how things turn out.

Dan Leader's Dark Pumpernickel Bread with Raisins

Profile picture for user SaraBClever

I keep my own blog with my sisters at, but as I have a question about this bread I figured I'd repost it here too!  I'm not sure if that's how TFL community works/if others do this as well?  Do people keep parallel blogs around here?  I think my bread stuff is a little technical sometimes for the rest of my blog, though here probably pretty basic stuff ;-)  All in the name of better bread, right?