Blog posts

First Attempt Poilâne-style Sourdough


This is a follow up to a previous post asking if anyone had ever tried the Poilâne-style sourdough bread.

No one had, someone suggested I try it, and here's my results.

I've posted the full recipe from the book Poilâne.

For the most part, because this was a first attempt, I followed the recipe as closely as I could.

Because you can refer to the recipe in the pictures, I'll just mention how I varied from the recipe and some other details.

Spelt, Red Fife and Rye Sourdough No. 2

Profile picture for user Benito

This was my second try baking this recipe from The Perfect Loaf.  The first bake was good especially the outward appearance but I felt that the crumb was a bit tight in places indicating that it was a bit underproofed.  This time I pushed the bulk fermentation another 30 mins and after final shaping left the dough in the banneton at room temperature for 30 minutes before putting it in the fridge.  I also increased the hydration to 84%.

Loaf 10


RECIPE (80% wholegrain):

100g strong white flour (20%)
150g wholegrain spelt flour (30%)
250g wholewheat flour (50%)
85% hydration (425g)
15% starter (75g)
2% salt (10g)


19th bake. 3/20/2020. 1/8 tsp instant yeast.

Profile picture for user idaveindy

March 19/20, 2020.

Inspired by this conversation,  to do just a plain simple instant yeast formula, with overnight bulk ferment.

5:05 pm. Mix 469 g water, 586 g home-milled whole grain flour. 80.0% hydration. (In hindsight should have used 85%.)  1 tsp of caraway seeds.  Flour was a mix of Prairie Gold (Hard white spring),  Hard Red Winter (generic), and Kamut Khorasan.

marking time in times of recommended quarantine

Profile picture for user alfanso

Being in the higher risk category, age-wise, I decided to put my generally lazy normal life on hold.  Instead I'll remain at home almost all the time, and become even a bit lazier.  Given that, I'll probably be more in the mood for the occasional sandwich.

This is a 1200g rye with caraway, which should make some great sandwich bread and some even finer toast.

25% rye, 73% hydration. 

50% whole grain w/ carrot, black sesame seed, and turmeric

Profile picture for user ifs201

What a tasty bread! Not sure why, but this definitely has more of a sour tang than most of my breads and I'm loving it. Not the most open crumb, but I think it's solid given that the loaf if 50% whole grains. 

  • 20% freshly milled hard red winter wheat
  • 25% freshly milled spelt
  • 5% rye
  • 50% KABF
  • 2% salt
  • 85% hydration
  • 10% starter
  • 1 cup roasted carrots chopped
  • sprinkling of black sesame seeds 
  • 1 tsp turmeric powder