Blog posts

Loaf 11 - an unexpectedly good 100% wholewheat loaf.


So... sometimes you just don't try that hard, and you get good results!


100% (500g) wholewheat stoneground flour (can't give any more info than that because I got it at the bulk store)
15% (75g) starter
85% (425g) hydration
2% (10g) salt


1 day before, I discarded most of the starter leaving only about 2 tbsp. Refreshed this with 50g water and 50g WW flour.

Irish Mixed Bread


At a time like this it's easy to get a bread ready in an hour. This is my third in four days and if I keep it up I'll have to get some new clothes when this is over. Delicious for breakfast or with a little cheese for lunch. I also made the chiabiatta from this site and though it didn't seem like it was going to work , it came out quite good. 


Profile picture for user seadog92

No offense intended but I see large blocks of Chinese characters on many pages. Has the sit been hacked or are folks from that part of the world joining in?

Facing the Breadpocalypse

Profile picture for user loydb

I've been on hiatus since we moved back to Austin, but since we're now in the middle of a flour and bread shortage (because apparently everyone is suddenly going to bake!), I've started milling flour for myself and my friends, and am back to baking my own again.

I don't currently have an active starter, so this is a yeasted loaf, about 75% fresh milled hard white wheat and 25% KABF.


Tartine Country Loaf


I have been baking from the Tartine Bread book for some time now with varying success. I am mostly playing around with bulk fermentation times and proofing times to see what the impact on the final product has. My most recent loaf had a pretty good uneven crumb but was still a little denser then what I want, and did not have the desired oven spring. Before hand I had been putting huge emphasis on the correct amount of bulk fermentation time and I think I have gotten that down pretty good.

Grains on the Plains... amazing wheat!

Profile picture for user trailrunner

I read about them here on TFL the other day. I immediately got on their website and ordered 20# of Turkey Red. I love love TR because it has amazing gluten and as a grain from the 1800’s is tried and true. The folks at Grains on the Plains are incredible. Look them up and read their story. I ordered late on the 19 th. The wheat shipped the 21st and arrived today the 23rd. FREE Shipping !!! As soon as I bake a loaf will report back but wow am I pleased. c