yozzause's blog

Aussie lady visiting Wisconsin

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Hi TFL folks anyone near OSHKOH I have a fellow Aussie Baker visiting the airshow with her partner  and she would love to have a coffee and chat with any bakers in the general area. She is currently at the Sydney  departure lounge and on her way shortly. i will pass on any details . kind regards  Derek

Lupin and Linseed

Profile picture for user yozzause

Some more Lupin and Linseed with a dash of home milled pre fermented red wheat Lupin content was 20% made up with soaked splits and some Lupin Flour Linseed was 10%, Red Wheat was from refrigerated s/d excess. This dough was bigger than the last one and it wasn't till i weighed up the soaked lupin splits that i realised i was short on for the Lupin component so i decided id add Lupin Flour and also add more water for that too. I was very pleased worked like clockwork 2 hour bulk fermentation using Fresh compressed yeast @ 2% loaves weighed off at 515g each and baked in round pans

Brewer's Bread

Profile picture for user yozzause

Almost qualifies for Paul's CB but not quite 

This bread idea was thrust upon me when a fellow bee keeper at a bee buddy meeting  gave me some SPENT GRAIN from a mash that he had done earlier that day for a stout brew.  I had used SPENT GRAIN before in bread and it was excellent so not wanting to waste it i knocked up  2 doughs the next morning one was a ricotta cheese and olive bread that i already had planned and the other was this Brewers Spent Grain.

"Farina" In outback Australiaa

Profile picture for user yozzause

Previously i have posted about this ghost town in outback Australia which is being rebuiilt by volunteers, One of the first restoratiuons was the underground bakery which contributes  many needed dollars for further restoration .

The works programme  lasts  a short time when volunteers gather to perform their work. Bakers are essential services and volunteers  are always needed so if you want a real adventure  a holiday in Australia and fancy a unique baking experience this could be for you in 2024. attached is the news letter recently arrived 

Home milled red wheat and lupin flakes

Profile picture for user yozzause
This morning i have done a fast bake with a 1 hour bulk fermentation time This dough is made from Fresh Milled Red Wheat, Millers 1100 Bakers Flour and Lupin Flakes from the Lupin Coi also used some of the sour dough starter that is kept in the fridge left overs after revival feeds to bring the starter amount back to a manageable size. I calculate that as half flour half water and adjust my formula to accommodate that. The advantage is of course much less waste as well as flavours that have been generated in the prolonged fermentation.

Date paste scrolls

Profile picture for user yozzause

 In my new mixer first cab off the rank was 1800g fruit dough so about half as much again as usual. the new mixer managed it easily. I have been eating a few date recently and they are the cheapest dried fruit at our local Aldi store plus i love them  i got to think if i blitzed them in the liquidizer i could get a paste that i could use in scrolls so thats what i did, i did need to add a little water to obtain a workable paste.



Santa called

Profile picture for user yozzause

 You Often see CHRISTMAS IN JULY themes  which seem to especially appeal to some of us that have moved from cold winter climates to the other side of the Equator. A better time to  enjoy a hot roast dinner and its trimmings rather than December days here  when a salad and an early morning swim at the beach which is more the norm .


Profile picture for user yozzause
Yesterday a fellow bee keeper and Fremantle Bee Buddy member made a batch of Stout!  it's amazing our similarities he is a Bus driver at the Palmyra depot as was I, he loves Stout as do I, Into Bee keeping as am i. Interested in Wine and vineyards as am i.  Any way i was interested in the Spent grain from the Wort process, i had used it once before when i obtained some from "Running with Thieves" boutique brewery.

toasted Lupin flakes and flour

Profile picture for user yozzause

i made a dough today using Lupin Flakes and Lupin flour @ 25% inclusion  but this time i toasted the Lupin dry on the stove top in a skillet stirring continuously making sure it didn't burn. 

The idea was to see how it performed and tasted, i also wanted to try the dough as a pizza base too,

so here we have a 2 hour bulk fermented dough ready to take