adelie's blog

Red bean buns! (豆沙飽)

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I was inspired by Floydm's recent post about his baked red bean buns so I decided to make so myself, too! These buns really bring me back to my childhood: I would have them only about once a year, when I visited my relatives in LA and they would buy me 豆沙飽 from the Chinese bakeries. They were always so soft, fluffy, and sweet! However, I've yet to find a good Asian bakery where I live. But now, I can make them whenever I want!

Forkish's Pain de Campagne + smoked trout toast

Profile picture for user adelie

Woo! This week has been busy! From baking naturally leavened panettone to focaccia to cookies for Christmas, I've been scrambling around and hoping that everything will turn out well. I was actually able to settle down and make a nice sourdough loaf (which I'm still a newbie at), and I think it turned out pretty well! I followed the pain de campagne recipe from FWYS and was pretty happy with the result!

King Arthur’s Bread Flour vs. store-brand bread flour

Profile picture for user adelie

So I’ve always wondered of different brands of flours actually made a difference, and from researching the internet, the answer seemed obvious... yeah. Especially KA flour, which seems to have an extremely loyal group of followers. But rather than just taking their word for it, I wanted to put it to the test. So I made 2 loaves of the same bread, but one with KA bread flour, one with cheap, store brand bread flour. 

I was able to get the store brand bread flour on sale for only $1 (score!), while KA bread flour was about $5 a bag.