Blog posts

100% Whole Grain Hard Red

Profile picture for user mdw

My starter has been temperamental lately as I've been adjusting its diet so I returned to my roots with this one in effort to regain some focus. I still maintain a cool stiff starter but after switching from 100% rye I had some issues and began adding about 25% back. This is all because my latest attempts with desem included 20% PFF and I found that 20% rye was too overpowering to the flavor of the hard red I was using. So this loaf returns to my longish ferment with lowish inoculation and minimal handling.

Tartine again

Profile picture for user MTloaf

I wanted to try the updated Tartine bread again from Jennifer Latham's IG post with the double fed levin and the delayed addition of the salt. The last time was a big improvement in my sourdough bread efforts so I wanted to confirm some things and get a better feel for it.

Are you bored yet ?

Profile picture for user kendalm

Don't mean to bore anyone with similar posts all the time but I gotta keep track of progress.  These two loaves shaped out rather thin in the center which can pose some challenges getting the loaf to open up.  But, fine tuning the technique with my oven is getting finer and finer.  Pop them in at about 500F and now about 5oz of room temperature water for quick burst of steam.  Evacuate after 6 minutes.  At this point I am down to about 430F.  Around 10 minutes its dropped more again to about 420.  A two minute firing of the top element pumps the Temps anot

Pi day with new pie iron

Profile picture for user trailrunner

Door county Wisconsin cherry pie filling. Outstanding! This the cast iron pie iron from Uno Casa. Excellent heavy preseasoned. Perfect in every way! Cooked up hot crisp and delicious on the charcoal grill. We are taking it camping and did this run through effort in the back yard. 





Dark Chocolate with a Splash of  Maple Syrup Porridge Sourdough 

Profile picture for user Danni3ll3


I don’t remember how I stumbled on this combo but I must give Kristen Dennis, from Full Proof Baking, the credit for inspiring this version. 




Makes 3 loaves



100 g large rolled oats

200 g water

35 g Maple Syrup

30 g butter



200 g 50%  dark chocolate chips 



800 g strong bakers unbleached flour

200 g freshly milled wholegrain Durum flour 

50 g freshly ground flax seeds

20% Whole Wheat Sourdough

Profile picture for user Carlo_Panadero

This maybe the simplest recipe and something that always works for me. I’m posting probably almost the same recipe but different approach or methods every week, but this is the only way I can achieve consistency upon my bakes..



70g Whole  wheat

280g Premium Bakers Flour

260g Water ?

70g Starter(100% hydration)

7g Salt ? 



Mixer is used

-1 hour Autolyse

-30 minutes rest after mixing starter

-1 hour rest after adding salt b4 doing 1 S & F

Straight white and some focaccia

Profile picture for user Brandontf8o8

After a few bad batches, decided to go back to basics.  Decided to go with a simple straight white bread and make some focaccia with the left over dough.

I am currently going through Ken Forkish's Flour, Water, Salt, Yeast and am about to start getting into making a starter.  When I first sat down to read the section on getting it going I was taken aback by how wasteful his method seems and took to the forums to find that I'm not the only one.

Impromptu loaf to test new pan

Profile picture for user HeiHei29er

Pulled the trigger on a new 8x4 Pullman pan after getting comments in this thread.  Came in today and decided to try a quick loaf.  Threw together a quick recipe with the goal of making a soft sandwich bread.

Decided to start with the dough weight the pan is rated for.  I think the bake went really well and am optimistic about the crumb, but not nearly enough dough.  :-)

Sourdough Babka

Profile picture for user mdw

I've slowed down on the Brown Bread baking, but as part of my grain CSA I still need to work my way through some Chiddam de Blanc Mars. I recently made some Coffee Cake with Proof Bakery's recipe which was complicated but amazing. Unfortunately the center was undercooked because I didn't have a temperature recommendation, just time. So no photos. But yesterday we baked Maurizio's Sourdough Babka with better results.