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Profile picture for user Kistida

These go so well with curries (my fav chicken tikka masala gravy)

Makes about 6 - 8 naans, cooked on a cast iron skillet 

  • 3g instant yeast 
  • 100g warm water 
  • 15g white sugar
  • 40g milk
  • 1 large egg, lightly beaten
  • 1/2 tsp salt 
  • 270 g all purpose flour
  • 30g / 2 tbsp ghee or unsalted butter, melted

Coffee bun using potato bread recipe

Profile picture for user Kistida

This is the 3rd time I’m making these buns and instead of a tz plain dough, I used potato in this batch. I realize after these came out from the oven that the soft cookie topping still needs more espresso in it, and I’ve to pipe more too! Good thing they’re super tasty even with mistakes. 

14 May 2021: I found a link within TFL with a similar bun from 2014 that's worth a try:

Wholemeal with cracked wheat/coarse bran bits

Profile picture for user JonJ

I'm loving making breads with this interesting wholemeal - Eureka Wholemeal. It has bits of whole kernels, or I guess you would say cracked kernels, in addition to the usual bran (and germ!). I think it behaves more like a white bread flour in my baking, the dough has nice strength and doesn't seem to be hampered by the bran and tastes very nice.

Keeping up the baguette practice.

I have to practise making baguettes occasionally or I lose the mojo. Today was baguettes with poolish (Hamelman). They are the longest I can fit into my oven; I may have to drop off a few grams of dough to get them a bit thinner. I've put them into the freezer for the unexpected "drop-in".




Bits and bobs

Profile picture for user Floydm

Apologies that I have been negligent about posting or updating much here. Pandemic has meant I spend most of my day at my desk, in my apartment, working with content management systems. After 8-10 hours of that I just can't bring myself to do much more of this in the evening or on the weekend. 


 * * *

I made the Tom Cat Semolina from the last Community Bake again.