Greek Sourdough Focaccia take two

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This is 60% dark rye, 20% high extraction wheat (stone ground, with a lot bran), and 20% strong bread flour.
Have never used bread flour for breads before, that's a first!
Today's bake - 100% whole wheat SD, baked in a small graniteware roaster.
Hard white spring wheat (home milled) 450 gm
Water 405 gm
Starter (100% hydration) 130 gm
Salt 9 gm
Bulk proof 7 hours (might been a tad too long)
Final proof in banetton 45 min.
The kitchen went from 68F this morning to 75F by early afternoon, and I wasn't watching closely enough how rapidly the proofing accelerated. Spring weather in AZ, lol.
Some time ago I ordered the real (Ukrainian) red rye malt through eBay. It's been a few weeks, and I finally got to use it, and of course I started with a Borodinsky. I used the Rus Brot adaptation of the 1940 recipe: I followed it as closely as possible, with just minor time adjustments to fit my schedule, and I had to mix (extra strong) bread flour and WW flout to approximate the Russian grade II flour (I guess it's same as first clear flour maybe? or high extraction flour?)
This past weekend, got to do a "little" experimenting. Didn't need to make a full loaf, and my daughter got me a set of silicone mini loaf pans. The perfect size for experiments. So, decided to try something simple and see if my wife liked it. She's not much of a sourdough fan (although she said the Durum Pain au Levain is the best bread I've made, so maybe it's my SD execution to-date that's the problem). Started simple and made a 90:10 white flour:WW loaf with raisin yeast water.
I haven’t posted very much lately because we went into lockdown/stay at home, came out of it for two weeks and we are back into lockdown/grey zone on Monday. People here just can’t seem to get the idea you should stay home and away from each other! Our Covid numbers have just exploded in the last week or so. We have had more cases in February than we did all of 2020! Ok rant over and back to bread!
It has been a while since I baked a porridge bread. I am a big fan of the moist and flavorful crumb I get. I added some onions directly into the porridge which helps impart a mild onion flavor. I used some freshly milled whole wheat and rye along with KAF bread flour.
Today is the day have been waiting for: homentaschen day! I already shared my sourdough adaptation of my grandma's recipe for homentaschen (, and this time I actually shaped them properly. As usual, I had more dough than poppy seed filling, and turned the extra dough into mini cinnamon buns.
(From comments to another user.)
I too experienced what you call the bubble gum effect. I called it "gooey gluey paste".
If I may...:
There are three steps needed:
1. don't give it all the hydration at once. If you give it all the water at once, the finer particles or the bran locks up the water, and it will never leave the glue state. However, even with the lower hydration, it will be gummy/gluey, but only temporarily so.
My WW durum (store bought, roller milled, Sher Fiber Wala) is like this: