Trevor Wilson's Sandwich Bread

Profile picture for user justkeepswimming

Our kitchen has been completely out of commission for a partial remodel (cabinet refacing, which required every cabinet and drawer be emptied and packed out of harms way) for the last 2 weeks. Things are put back together enough now that I got to bake today. Still using the toaster oven outside for now, until I can put the new oven through a few trial runs to verify temps and learn how to work it. 

This is the first time I have made Trevor Wilson's pan bread. I added a little more whole wheat than he does, but otherwise followed his recipe. 

My version:

300g Bread Flour

65g fresh milled hard white wheat

16g Sprouted Whole Spelt Flour (have some I need use)

8g fresh milled rye 

243g Water, plus 7 g more while mixing (the whole wheat addition seemed to require a little more water)

8g Salt

50g Starter @ 100% Hydration 

Mixed til everything incorporated (not going for gluten development). 

Rest (covered) 1 hour.

Kneaded in bowl til dough was a bit more supple. It still felt a little grainy so I kept this short.

Rounded dough and placed in lightly oiled bowl. Dough temp 76F, room

Bulk proofed 4.5 hrs., no folds. This may have been too much, if the aliquot is any indicator. Time got away from me.

Pre-shaped into oval and rested est 20 min.

Gently shaped as per his video. Placed in 8.5x4.5 loaf pan, covered with damp towel. 

Proofed at RT 3 hrs. Removed towel 15 min before baking, scored (a less than successful attempt), and into the preheated toaster oven with my makeshift steam source (a small Pan with a wet hand towel) at 425F. After 20 min, steam removed, pan rotated, and baked another 20 min. Final internal temp 207F. It's cooling right now, crumb shot tomorrow.

This one would have benefitted from a foil tent for the second half of the bake, the top is a bit darker and harder than the rest of the loaf. I know it will soften somewhat. The toaster oven may have been set a few degrees high as well. The thermostat knob is less than precise. I accidentally sent the oven thermometer away with the old stove and didn't have a way to verify the internal temp before putting the loaf in. Oops.... Oh well, it was a budget model, I will get another one next time I go into town. 



Profile picture for user justkeepswimming

The top crust was still stuff after cooling and some time in a Ziploc, but the rest was great. Nice chew and exceptionally mild taste. 

I could use some input on why the crumb is more compressed along the bottom and sides of the loaf. What are some potential causes for that? I think I will post that question on the forum as well. Meanwhile, this loaf is 2/3 gone already, lol. 


Crumb looks great and must be good if it’s going that fast.  Agree on tenting for the second half of the bake.  Either that or a Pullman pan...

Mary the loaf looks good to me.  However, I do think that there wasn’t enough bottom heat and too much upper heat.  I think some compression along the bottom and sides is normal, however, given how pale the bottom and sides are I think some of that compression is due to the lack of heat from the bottom.


Another good point. My makeshift steam source may be physically blocking sone of the heat on the bottom. And while steam temps are much higher, the temperature of the boiling water in the pan and cloth that generate the steam are much lower. There was very little space between them and the loaf pan, so combining both factors was likely enough to keep it from getting hot enough. 

I plan on repeating this bake today, and will make a few tweaks. 

Thanks Benny!!


under the loaf.  In such a small oven, a steam pan is just in the way.  Try to center the top edge of the pan in the middle of the oven.

To tell you the honest truth, I don’t bother with steam for a pan loaf.  I have found that either a good brushing with water or egg wash works wonders and I’m getting great oven spring with my loaf pan loaves without additional steaming.

excess steam is the culprit.

I just put 2 and 2 together. Benny is right, and so is Mini.

That is a lot of wet towel for a tiny oven.

Steam = 212 F.  Oven air = 400 (?)

"Cool" steam still rises in a hot oven because H2O is lighter than air -- O2 and N2.

So the "cool" steam is hitting the underside of the pan at 212+ degrees, and is also robbing heat from the hotter air.  

So use a lot less towel/steam, and maybe put it beside the loaf pan, or on a rack above it. Be sure to take it out no later than 1/2 way through the bake.  Or as Mini and benny suggest, try a bake without it.

I did without on my second attempt, and that helped a lot.

Actually I think I have made this mistake in my full size oven in the past. I didn't think it would be an issue (that oven tended to burn loaves on the bottom at any temp in any vessel). But I do recall a few loaves (pan, a batard) that were unexpectedly pale on the bottom, and that was likely the cause. That oven had issues, glad it has gone wherever used ovens go and looking forward to learning how to use the new one. 

Thanks, Dave!
