Blog posts

Swiss farmhouse with cranberry and pecan

Profile picture for user JonJ

Am still loving the yeast water! This was a repeat of Hamelman's "Swiss Farmhouse" from the community bake - used the same formula but with some minor tweaks. Said tweaks being that I used apple yeast water (fed using Granny Smith apples, originally started as a raisin yeast water); and replaced the raisins and walnuts by cranberries and pecans; the cranberries were soaked in boiled water for 20 minutes and so were slightly more hydrated than the raisins usually are.

Maple Butter Buckwheat Loaf

Profile picture for user HeiHei29er

It's been a busy summer and haven't had time to post much.  Have still been baking though.  Have tried a number of different breads, but I keep coming back to my stand-by.  Buckwheat and oat.  

I've done numerous variants, but this is one of my favorites.  I think the maple and toasted buckwheat make a nice combination.

Injera (update #7 - [as of 7/30/22] includes modified batter formulation and a few process tweaks)

Profile picture for user Doc.Dough

Since this is a process of discovery more than an exposition of well understood science, the update number in the title will change when enough significant changes have accumulated that you might want to re-read from the top. At some point it will stabilize but in the beginning it is somewhat volatile as I discover/uncover truth and apply a dope slap for what proves to be erroneous. 

59th bake. 09/25/2021. 96.5% WW.

Profile picture for user idaveindy

59th bake. 96.5% Stone ground WW.

First loaf in the big oven since spring.  During summers I just use the toaster oven or use a griddle/pan on the stove-top.


110 g SG WW durum, Patel brand.

330 g SG WW red wheat, Bob's Red Mill.

8.8 g salt.

330 + 22 + 22 g H2O = 374 g.

32 g of 100% hydration starter, bread + AP flour, last fed 6 days ago, kept in fridge.  Adds 16 g of white flour for 456 g total flour.

16 / 456 = 3.5% pre-fermented flour (PFF).

44 g roasted (in oil) sunflower seeds, un-salted.

80% whole grain sourdough

Profile picture for user Benito

This is a modified bake that I last did in the winter and wanted to do again now that I have a good pH meter.  40% whole Kamut, 40% whole spelt and 20% bread flour, so lots of whole grain.

Black Sesame Yorkville Sourdough Baguettes

Profile picture for user Benito

I’ve made this recipe for baguettes before with the seeds on the crust, this is the first time I’ve made baguettes with inclusions, so black sesame seeds in the dough.  It is a much tidier way to add the sesame seed flavour so you don’t cover your floor with sesame seeds when slicing the baguettes.