Jan. 8, 2022. 79th bake.
I bought some "Everything Bagel" seasoning mix, and it made me want to make crackers.
I decided to put the seasoning in the cracker dough, not just press it on top.
Recipe is basically seat-of-my-pants.
- 10 g dry old fashioned rolled oats.
- 10 g dry quick oats. (Not instant.)
- 10 g ground flax seed.
- 5 g dry whole chia seed.
- 20 g Sharbati whole wheat flour.
- 48 g whole grain durum flour, Sher Brar Fiber Wala, roller milled.
- 48 g BRM stone-ground WW.
- 45 g whole rye flour.
- 7.9 g (1 tbs) Everything Bagel mix.
- 135 g water.
- Mixed, covered, let rest 20 min.
- 6.4 g grapeseed oil, kneaded in.
- Let rest.
Pre-heated toaster oven to 400 F.
Rolled out about 2mm thick. Cut into circles.
Baked on pre-heated cast iron griddle in toaster oven @ 400 F, using top and bottom heating elements, 4 minutes per side, 8 minutes total.
Let crackers cool.
Reduced oven temp to 250 F.
Baked a second time, lower heating element only, 2 minutes per side, 4 minutes total.
The garlic and onion is a bit strong, so I'll use less next time.
- idaveindy's Blog
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A little spent starter in the mix is a nice way to add another level of flavor. Is there an Almost Everything Bagel Mix?
You're the bagel-mix mixer.
Today I discovered there was some residual moisture in the crackers. It had migrated outward, and the crackers were neither soft nor crispy.
So I put them in the toaster oven, bottom heat only, 250 F, and set the timer to 20 minutes. Then laid down ..... and fell asleep. Either 20 minutes was too long, or there was enough residual heat after the 20 minutes that the crackers over browned. They were not blackened, but still too dark and hard to eat. :-(
Can you use the rebakes ground up as flour?
Another option is to use them ground up as a seasoning... to sprinkle onto other stuff.
Love crackers, btw. A pasta mill can be a great way to make lots of v thin though.
I dumped them in the trash. I tasted a couple, and my heart sank.
It didn't even occur to me to "recycle" them in another bake. And I totally forgot about the ducks and greese who over-winter nearby.