headupinclouds's blog

1 week DYW pizza


 A date yeast water pizza crust with delayed fermentation from [here]

Mixed up a dough for pizza with 572 g of CM artisan bread flour, 411 g date and apple yeast water, 12 g salt, 20 g EVOO, and 10 g SD (as a hedge).  70 turns in the food processor + some Rubaud then in the fridge.  I'm curious how that will compare to the 3 g of yeast called for in BBA.

levain test 2


Another young vs ripe levain comparison for a desem culture maintained at 60 F.  At this time I was feeding 2x daily at roughly 5:3:5. This is a tortoise vs hare race.  The mature levains take an early lead, and the young levain eventually catches up with a sprint at the end. 

  • mix 250 g flour at 66% hydration w/ 2% salt
  • 90 turns in food processor total
  • 20 turns to mix levains
  • yellow: pH 4.55; 25:125  2% salt
  • blue: pH 3.8; 25:125 2% salt

11:00 start

17:05: blue takes early lead

levain test 1


Occasionally I end up with small portions of the sames starter in various states and thought it would be useful to to document leveaning capability of the levain as a function of pH, given similar maintenance.

reinhart's (home) pizza napoletana


I received The Bread Baker's Apprentice as a gift this year, which I hadn't baked from yet.  I also have a bag of Central Milling's Old World Bread Flour I got this Fall, which is my favorite bread flour I've tried so far, but due to my fondness for whole grain home milling, I haven't been using it.  I put them together to make Reinhart's simple Pizza Napoletana recipe and to get some practice with instant yeast.

574 g flour

12.5 salt

3 g yeast

25 g olive oil

411 g water

red fife desem (new starter)



Two desem bakes with home milled Red Fife (my previous attempt used a converted starter). 

This differs from my previous attempt in that it uses:

red fife desem


Inspired by Benny's red fife bakes, and an earlier red fife by @suminandi that caught my eye, I wanted to see what I could learn from working with this flavorful but fermentation intolerant heritage grain.  I'll be doing a few bakes with this one using desem at different percentages of PFF.