Blog posts

Kingdom Bakery Polenta Levain Baguettes

Profile picture for user alfanso

Posted before as big batards, so first time out of the chute as baguettes.  

We were eating grilled pork chops with polenta a few evenings ago, and that reminded me of this bread that I'd made twice in succession back in Feb. for the first time.  

This time, aside from the baguette shape I rejected using the mechanical mixer instead opting for a hand mix.  

Pain Au Cidre (Cider Bread) from The Rye Baker by Stanley Ginsberg

Profile picture for user CalBeachBaker

My latest bake is the Pain Au Cidre from The Rye Baker by Stanley Ginsberg.

The bread dough that killed my KA6qt. ;-), it died at the 7 minute mark during the mix so...onward I went.

I really like this bread, The crumb has nice notes of apple from the cider, a nice mild rye bite with a mild yogurt undertone. The crust is thin with a nice chew and has a pleasant roasted/raisin taste.

All in all I like it and would bake it again.

Recipe and process are below for those that are interested.

Been a while.....Weekly Sandwich Loaf

Profile picture for user rgreenberg2000

I haven't posted in quite some time, but there is rarely a day that goes by that I don't check in here and marvel at the TFL creations.  I haven't posted, as I was pretty much making the same bread every week, so not much to share.  At some point (early Covid lockdown) I decided to acquire a Pullman pan and work on my sandwich bread.  I've been making this loaf with small tweaks to the flour mix here and there, and just wanted to pop in, share, and say thanks..... without some of the wonderful breads I see posted here, I would not have achieved this kind of result.


Profile picture for user albacore

I recently saw the Nussknacker (eng: Nutcracker) on Dietmar Kappl's Instagram feed and decided straight away that I wanted to bake it.  It comprises a tasty mix of wholemeal spelt and coarse rye flours, leavened with a rye sour and packed full of roasted hazelnuts, almonds, sunflower and hemp seeds.

Slow Potato and Rosemary

Profile picture for user yozzause
Off to celebrate the Mother in Laws 92nd birthday with the family so i made some bread to share, i thought a Potato and Rosemary would be nice, and a chance to use some of the Italian flours that i have recently purchased.

Whole Rye and Whole Wheat - Jeffery Hamelman's Bread

Profile picture for user CalBeachBaker

This is Whole Rye and Whole Wheat from Bread - A Baker's Book of Techniques and Recipes by  Jeffery Hamelman

I baked two loaves the other day of this delicious bread.  I have to say that I'm quite happy with the way they turned out. The crumb is mildly dense and has a nice, light tangy flavor. The crust is crisp and has toasty/roasted flavors. This bread will definitely go into the rotation. Recipe and process are below for those interested.

Hamelman SD Seed Bread, again

Profile picture for user alfanso

Yes, posted before and guilty as charged!  However, I'm here to sing the praises of this extraordinary bread.  And can't think of a better way than to put it in front of your eyes again.  After these came out of the oven and cooled, and we'd had a few slices, I said to my wife - if I had only one bread that I would be able to bake forever, I think this would be the one.