Blog posts

100% Whole Wheat Sandwich Loaf - 4th Attempt

I saw a picture of your Debra Wink’s 800-gram loaf in a 330 mm / 13 inch Pullman pan. It looked terrific, so I ordered the pan from the USA. It arrived this week, so today I baked using the pan and was very pleased, apart from a shaping mistake (I shaped as per a batard out of habit instead of a blunt cylinder). I’m learning with each iteration of this wonderful bread. It’s such a beautiful taste that it is now has a place in our weekly breadbasket. A nice light soft crumb.



First drop it on the floor

Profile picture for user trailrunner

Yep t65 plus 20% fresh ground rye . Dough was an absolute dream to work with. Used graniteware roaster instead of LeCreuset . The graniteware only preheats as long as it takes the oven to get to 450 degrees so approx 15 min. Will never switch them out again. Turned the banneton over onto parchment picked it up to transfer to pan and…. Dropped it! Grabbed the parchment said a couple “ words” plunked it into the roaster and slapped on the lid. When I uncovered it 15 min later could have knocked me over !

60th bake. 10/06/2021. 75% WW. Fried + focaccia.

Profile picture for user idaveindy

60th bake. 10/06/2021.  Lunch.

This bake was prompted by Mariana's link to an Artisan Bread in Five formula on a recent focaccia thread:

I was going to make focaccia with it, but after the dough had risen a bit, I got the idea to make some fry-bread with a portion. That is, deep frying the dough to turn it into bread, not baking bread and frying the bread.


Bread matching

Profile picture for user dmsnyder

Some foods are great made with a variety of breads - different but all good. Some foods really call for a specific type of bread. Cracked Dungeness crab just is wrong IMO without San Francisco Sourdough. You probably have your own biases. Well, another of mine is that Cabbage Borscht is "right" only with a dark rye bread.


Pumpkin Raisin YW/SD

Profile picture for user HeiHei29er

My wife made pumpkin bars this weekend, and she told me to use up the rest of the puree.  So...  New bread experiment time!

I used the recipe from wassisname as a starting point:

I didn't have any pumpkin seeds handy, so I went with raisins instead and added a little cinnamon and nutmeg.  Recipe below is for two loaves.

Oven spring time lapse video

I was prompted to make a time lapse of my sourdough during the oven spring. This is the start of the bake condensed into 37 seconds. Sorry about the background reflection, but you’ll get the gist. They are 750-gram oval loaves, Vermont sourdough with 10% whole wheat.

You can view the video on my YouTube



Sweet Pepper, Garlic and Parmesan Sourdough 

Profile picture for user Danni3ll3

I grow peppers in pots on the south side of the house. With the hot dry weather if this summer, I ended up with a bumper crop of beautiful red sweet peppers. I chopped them up in small pieces and dried them in a dehydrator. I remember reading here that drying and rehydrating fruits or vegetables enhanced their flavour. So along with minced garlic, shredded Parmesan, dried parsley and some olive oil, this should be one tasty bread. I’ll have to wait for my friends to let me know as I sold out completely. 




Makes 3 loaves


Miso Sourdough and Five minute score.

Profile picture for user Benito

You might recall that I made homemade miso that completed its 1 year fermentation in August.  I finally got around to using it in a sourdough bread.  I’ve made miso sourdough with various inclusions in the past but hadn’t made one in some time now.