Blog posts

Cinnamon bulkas

Profile picture for user JonJ

Our recent babka community bake gave me a hankering for what my grandmother would call 'bulkas/boolkes/bulkes' - yeasted cinnamon buns made with milk.

They are simple, soft and buttery, and not too sweet or as complex as babka. Lovely to eat when spread with butter. We also like to have them as the perfect food for breaking the Yom Kippur fast.

Honey Spelt Bread


This is a Hamelman’s recipe that I’ve baked a few times. It is 75% Whole-Spelt flour that I stone-milled the day before baking. The Pate Fermentee is made 14 hours before mixing. I love the taste of this bread as it is full flavoured and quite different from our everyday Vermont sourdough loaf.

Pane Con Pepperoncini, Olive, E Pomodoro

Profile picture for user CalBeachBaker

This latest bake is Pane Con Pepperoncini, Olive, E Pomodoro from Living Bread by  Daniel Leader.

I liked the overall consistency of the bread. It has a nice crust and the 00 flour has a nice creamy taste to it. My only modifications when making it next time would be 1) to increase the amount of red pepper flakes to maybe twice the amount, but then I have a real taste for spicy foods, 2) a little less hydration. Recipe and process are below for those interested.

Cranberry Walnut Grand Marnier Sourdough 

Profile picture for user Danni3ll3



I recently made a Brie appetizer that was topped with a combo of cranberries, pecans, orange juice, maple syrup and spices. I decided to use similar flavours in this bread. 



Makes 3 loaves 



  • 150 g Dried Cranberries 
  • 30 g Grand Marnier
  • 150 g walnuts, chopped 
  • Zest of 1 orange
  • 30 g maple syrup
  • 1 tbsp cinnamon 
  • 1/8 tsp nutmeg 



Ciabatta with CLAS and 20% durum

Profile picture for user Ilya Flyamer

I finally got close to where I want to be with ciabattas!

I was going to a friend's flat for an Italian dinner yesterday, so decided to bring a ciabatta, although previously I only had partial success with this style of bread. However Rus Brot has a video recipe for ciabatta, and so far each and every recipe of his have been a great success, so I decided to risk it. The video is unfortunately only in Russian:

Rosemary & Walnut Schiacciata

Profile picture for user CalBeachBaker


Rosemary & Walnut Schiacciata From Living Bread by  Daniel Leader

This is the 2nd time making this bread and it was a hit both times. It has a wonderful walnut taste and combined with the rosemary and olive oil it is delicious.

Recipe and process are below.


100% Rye, Tourte de Seigle - Stanley Ginsberg

Profile picture for user Benito

Apparently this bread is also known as tourte Auvergnate.  It is a 100% whole rye loaf and mine was made without any commercial yeast although I’ve seen recipes that use it in as a sponge along with the rye sour.  Those who are familiar with baking rye sourdoughs know that they ferment very quickly.  From building the first stage of the rye levain until the loaf is out of the oven only took 18 hours.  However, you’re also likely aware that rye breads need time to “cure” after baking so I think they are best if you wait 24-48 hours before slicing.

Barbari bread, chapati, marbled matcha shortbread & another coconut loaf

Profile picture for user Kistida

We've eaten 8 of these Barbari breads in the last 5 days. Only thing is, both times I made these, there was a rush for dinner time, so I feel that maybe they were a lil under-proofed so they got very puffy during the bakes (or maybe I didn't press the dough enough during shaping). Also, I made them with onions and cheese on top!