Blog posts

reinhart's (home) pizza napoletana


I received The Bread Baker's Apprentice as a gift this year, which I hadn't baked from yet.  I also have a bag of Central Milling's Old World Bread Flour I got this Fall, which is my favorite bread flour I've tried so far, but due to my fondness for whole grain home milling, I haven't been using it.  I put them together to make Reinhart's simple Pizza Napoletana recipe and to get some practice with instant yeast.

574 g flour

12.5 salt

3 g yeast

25 g olive oil

411 g water

Soft focaccia, two ways

Profile picture for user Martadella


Bread flour, 800g

Mashed potatoes (they had some dill in them) 200g

Water, 520g

Diastatic malt,  10g

Salt, 12 g or to taste 

Olive oil, two splashes


1. Grape tomatoes, cut in half,  oregano 

2. Mashed potatoes, scooped with a teaspoon, spicy vegan sausage,  herbs (dried chive blossoms and thyme) 

I also used emulsion of water, olive oil and salt on both focaccias 

Kugelhof 2 Moister, more lemon cranberry

Profile picture for user happycat


Version 2.0

Last week I made a lemon cranberry kugelhof and quite enjoyed it. However, Naturaleigh mentioned getting more out of my lemon zest by mashing it with the sugar. I started wondering what other innovations I could try to amplify flavour, loft and richness.



I modified last week's recipe as follows:

50% whole grain baguette

Profile picture for user Ming

I made a batch of pizza dough balls last night for next week's and it just occurred to me to steal one to make a baguette this morning, which is exactly what I did. It had 20% WW, 30% whole grain Kamut, and the rest was with bread flour. My pizza and baguette doughs share the same recipe except the pizza dough had a lower hydration and less developed, all made with a 95% biga and a 5% SD starter. I was very pleased with the expansion in the oven, which had twice the height and roundness of a 50% rye loaf I baked yesterday.

Overnight Heirloom Red

Profile picture for user HeiHei29er

Trying different grains now that I have the Mockmill 200, and this week, I experimented with Turkey Red and Red Fife.  Recipe was my standard overnight sourdough recipe with equal parts of Turkey Red and Red Fife as the whole grain component.  The grains were milled to pass through a #40 sieve.  Result was about 95% extraction.  The bran collected was then scalded and used in the final mix.  Real happy with how they turned out externally.  Nice blisters and bloom.  On one of the doughs, I tried using a modified version of Danni's shaping method to use with