ovenless baking
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This is a bread from Stanley Ginsberg's The Rye Baker. It caught my eye as I was casting about for something to use for the current rye bread Community bake.
It is about as simple as a rye bread can be. There are no multi-stage levain builds, no scalds, no soakers, no seeds, and no spices. The only components are rye flour, potato, water, and salt. My sole departure from the formula was to use whole rye flour, rather than medium rye flour.
There are lots of different ways to make chapatis; this is how I do it.
Here's my equipment:
I'm lucky enough to own a vintage Indian chakla, but of course any smooth flat rolling board will do
and a belan/rolling pin
A tawa for cooking the chapatis
Scorched Crust Sour Rye - Gersterbrot (Germany)
The Rye Baker by Stanley Ginsberg
My latest bake - this bread has a nice light rye taste to it due to the amount of white rye in the recipe.
500ml lukewarm water
~1/4 cup homemade caramel color *
260g dark rye flour
300g bread flour
300g all purpose flour
9g dry yeast
5g onion powder
3g ground caraway seeds
18g salt
30g granulated sugar
*burn 2 heaped tablespoons od granulated sugar in a small saucepan until golden brown. Remove from heat. Be careful, it's hot like lava! Let cool then add ¼ cup boiling water and wait until everything dissolves. It will look like dark beer
I've wanted to try the tourte de seigle pur (100% rye bread) from l'Ecole international de boulangerie's video tutorial for a while.
The learning continues. Thanks to receiving a cornucopia of suggestions on my previous bake of the Bouabsa Pullman I moved forth and applied some of those changes, further upgrading my nascent Pullman pan skills.
This recipe is based on Hamelman's 80% Rye with a Rye Flour Soaker from Bread (3rd Ed.). I followed the recipe as written with two exceptions. I used a mash at 125% hydration instead of a soaker at 100% hydration, and I used a 50:50 barley:rye flour in the mash instead of all rye flour. The recipe calls for Medium Rye but states that Whole Rye can be substituted. I used fresh milled Whole Rye.
Here is my quasi recipe for this bread
Stage 1, scald
In a 6oz mason jar I scald 3 rounded tablespoons of whole rye flour with some boiling water, mix it into sticky mass, add 1 teaspoon of white rye malt, mix well, cover and let stand in a warm place for about 2-3 hours
Stage 2, kvas (liquid preferment)
Kümmel-Bier Brot (Caraway Beer Bread) from The Rye Baker book. This bread is for lovers of caraway seed (sorry Benny!); it has a whopping 2% caraway seed. The bread is 50% rye and 50% first clear or high-gluten flour, barley malt syrup, and beer for half the liquid. The recipe calls for 2:1 white/medium rye to approximate German 997 rye flour. I did not have any white rye flour but used all medium rye (KA brand) and increased the hydration from 60% to 65%. Vital wheat gluten was used to boost KA bread flour to 14% gluten; beer was Destihl Weissenheimer hefeweizen.