Blog posts

Masala swirl loaf

Profile picture for user Kistida

It's the 21st day of 2022, I hope everyone is doing great and keeping up with each resolution-.. I made one this year: I need to drink less coffee this year! I decided to revisit my old habits like making masala tea from scratch. Normally, we would use Assam, Ceylon or even Darjeeling but I've English breakfast for now. The very first loaf of sourdough I made this year only happened the day before yesterday, also thanks to masala tea.

Mafalda Bread

Profile picture for user The Roadside Pie King
Mafalda The Semolina bread of SicilyBy: Will Falzon. The Brooklyn Maltese350g Semolina Rimacinata150g K.A. A.P. Flour10g Salt7g Instant Dry Yeast1 tsp. Barley Malt Syrup330g Water1 Tbs. Olive Oil3 Tbs. Sesame Seed1tsp. Anise SeedSimple straight dough method.1. Mix all ingredients except the olive oil until the dough ball clears the sides of the Bosch mixer.2. Slowly add the oil drizzling it down the side of the mixer bowl3. Move to a lightly oiled bowl.4. allow to rise at room temperature covered until doubled in volume. About 1hr5. Scale into two equal weight balls. Rest for ten min.

Sourdough Bread with 31% Freshly-milled Whole Wheat Flour

Profile picture for user dmsnyder

Today's bake is loosely based on Ken Forkish's "Overnight Country Brown." I increased the levain and did the "overnight" in the fridge after dividing and shaping rather than in bulk at room temperature. Well, the hydration is higher too - 85.5 versus 78%. The result is a moderately sour, crusty loaf with a fairly open, deliciously moist and tender crumb. The flavor is more straight ahead wheaty than my favorite multigrain sourdough, but this is also a spectacularly delicious bread. I had some almost cooled with a light smear of butter, along with a bowl of split pea soup for lunch.

Experiment - Effect of the levain on 100% Whole-Wheat Sandwich Bread


My first attempts at this bread were flawed in that I got very little rise. Debra Wink (DW) contacted me and suggested some tweaks. As a result, I introduced some Vital Wheat Gluten (VWG) to increase the protein percent of my whole-wheat flour. I also pre-fermented 5 percent of the flour in a stiff levain. I wasn’t sure what effect the levain would have; rise, flavour enhancement, crumb or all. I’ve had a great result by incorporating both the VWG and the levain now for many weeks.

Today’s Experiment

Sourdough crumpets!

Profile picture for user justkeepswimming

I have never had much luck making crumpets. I came across this recipe elsewhere,and decided to give it a try. Success at last!! There used to be 8 (I scaled the recipe down a tad), but two were eaten hot off the pan. The rest have cooled and are frozen.

A few notes of possible interest: