Blog posts

Oatmeal Bread with Cinnamon and Raisins from Hamelman's "Bread"

Profile picture for user dmsnyder

Today I baked a couple loaves of Hamelman's Oatmeal Bread with Cinnamon and Raisins. It was my third bake of this recipe. The only modification I made was, while I had used AP flour before, this time I used King Arthur Baking "Bread Flour." The higher-gluten flour was naturally a bit thirstier, and it ended up with a more open crumb. It was a bit chewier, but the flavor was unchanged.

Semolina Bread with Pate Fermente

Profile picture for user HeiHei29er

Last weekend's bake was Hamelman's Semolina Bread.  The only major deviation I made was using a pate fermente pre-ferment instead of the "Flying Sponge" (I think that's what he called it).

Makes one loaf...

Total Formula
158g  AP Flour (35%)
68g    Bread Flour (15%)
225g  Semolina Flour (50%) (Re-milled Bob's Red Mill Semolina)
292g  Water (65%)
9.0g   Salt (2%)
1.4g   ADY (0.3%)
18g    EVOO (4%)

80% whole grain sourdough baguette

Profile picture for user Ming

I upped the ante from a loaf I baked yesterday for an 80% whole grain baguette I baked today. It had 50% whole grain Kamut, 22% whole wheat, 8% dark rye, and the rest with bread flour. Hydration was around 75%. The process was the same with a slap and fold and a stretch and roll during the 7 hours bulk rise. I was gauging it for a 100% rise, but I think I got fooled as I think the crumb seems under fermented. Yesterday's loaf took 8 hours to double but this loaf did seem to rise quicker perhaps due to a having higher percentage of the whole grain.

Old Cheddar, Pickled Jalapeño and Chives Sourdough

Profile picture for user Danni3ll3

Last time I did this one, I used cubed cheese. I thought I’d try it with grated cheese. I also upped the quantities of jalapeños. 


Makes 3 loaves


55 - 100 g sliced pickled jalapeños (to taste) I put in 80 g

250 g old cheddar cheese, grated

3 g freeze dried chives or 24 g fresh chopped chives


Main Dough

100 g freshly milled Selkirk wheat flour 

100 g freshly milled rye flour 

100 g freshly milled Red Fife wheat flour 

775 g unbleached strong bakers flour

Hadjiandreou's New York-style sourdough rye

Profile picture for user squattercity

As a New Yorker, I tend to give the side-eye to distant takes on my heritage -- but I have to say this is better than the original. Nice but not overpowering sour flavor. Just enough caraway seeds (sorry, Benny, this is a Big Apple bread -- but you're free to make a Toronto version with different seeds.) Great aroma. Fantastic texture. Crumb that won't drip mustard. Crunchy but not rock hard crust.

60% whole grain sourdough baguette

Profile picture for user Ming

It had been a while since I used my SD starter as a standalone leavening agent since I adopted a biga preferment approach for my baguette making. Anyhow, I gave it a run to see where my SD starter stand strength wise, and I have to say I was disappointed even though it did okay but no match for a biga with instant yeast.