Blog posts

Frisian Rye Bread experiment

Profile picture for user Martadella

I liked the simplicity of the recipe:

I made my own coarse rye meal by pulsing rye grains in the blender. The result was very uneven, with a whole spectrum from almost intact grains to dusty flour. I didn't have any syrup, so I substituted honey. I soaked the mixture about 4 hours in a nice warm spot. Then I cooked overnight (probably around 10 hours) at 230°F, with a pan of hot water under the bread pans.

Choc cakes with molten citrus ganache centres

Profile picture for user happycat


Lava cakes seem to be trendy for Valentine's day. This is more of a little chocolate cake with a slightly crisp shell and molten (but not flowing) orange citrus chocolate ganache centre. 

These cakes are mostly chocolate... so I wouldn't rely on chips for the cake or Lindor fillings to replace the ganache as suggested in the original. Blech! Give me deep chocolate, real vanilla and real orange!

Quick Hokkaido Milk Bread Buns

Profile picture for user Benito

This is the first time I’ve baked bread down here in Fort Lauderdale Florida while on vacation.  I wasn’t planning on baking so didn’t bring any starter with me.  I met with Alfanso while down here and he was kind enough to have given me some osmotolerant yeast from his stash that he got from Amazon.  So while having bread baking withdrawal I decided that I’d bake some bread.  We are having a small group of good friends over for dinner tonight and took the chance to bake buns to go with dinner.  Who doesn’t like freshly baked buns with their dinner?

Making baguettes with french T65 flour

Profile picture for user leslieruf

Hi everyone - hope everyone is doing well in these covid times.  I am still baking but not as much as I used to.  Recently I was able to purchase some french T65 flour and thought I would give it a go.  I don’t often make baguettes either and my efforts to date are average to say the least 🤣. Any way I am excited to try this flour out and after a quick look at past posts I have a c ouple of questions.

what proportion of T65 flour should I use?

Rhubarb Sourdough with candied ginger & cardamom

Profile picture for user trailrunner

Posted a version of this in the past. New improved and updated. Stunning flavor profile and tender crumb. I feed my white YW starter and have it bubbling and super active before using. I don’t keep a discard so always make the “ quick” bread in a regular sourdough fashion . 

Added chopped candied ginger and a heaping TB fresh ground cardamom . Chopped home canned green rhubarb and boiled the syrup down to use for the glaze while the bread was hot. 

This batch came out the best yet.


Yorkville-inspired baguettes

Profile picture for user Ilya Flyamer

We bought some cheese on a market across the border in France on the weekend. So my girlfriend requested some baguettes to go with them, since all my equipment including the baking steel finally arrived from Edinburgh. I wanted to try Benny's Yorkville baguette formula (sans any seeds this time), but I needed a slightly different schedule than in Benny's recipe, so I prepared the levain overnight and increased the % PFF, and shortened the bulk fermentation time.

Whole Wheat Toasted Corn Sweet Potato Ricotta Bread

Profile picture for user Isand66

A few weeks ago I tried making a new recipe I found from KAF for SD English Muffins that called for toasted corn meal. The English Muffins tasted great and the addition of the freshly milled corn meal really made a difference. I decided to try adding the toasted corn flour to my next SD bake.

This formula included some roasted white sweet potatoes and freshly milled whole wheat. The ricotta was added to soften the crumb along with some olive oil.