Blog posts

Community Bake - Rye Bread - Frankisches Krustenbrot (Germany)

Profile picture for user CalBeachBaker

Hi everyone,

Here's my response to the Community Bake - Rye Bread, the Franconia Crusty Boule  /  Frankisches Krustenbrot (Germany) from The Rye Baker by Stanley Ginsberg

I am quite pleased with this bake. I really enjoy the added bread spice called Brotgewürz however the next time I make this bread I'll increase the amount. I can see how this bread goes with savory foods and dark beers and veined cheeses.

An additional photo and the recipe and process for those interested.


83rd bake. 01/28/2022. Denisa's 100% rye, take 3.

Profile picture for user idaveindy

Jan. 28, 2022. 83rd bake.  3rd take on Denisa's formula.  2nd bake for the Rye Community Bake.

Her formula is here:

1st take was in a regular bread pan that was too big. It used store-bought stone-ground whole rye flour, and no bread spice.

Südtiroler Bauernbrot 40% Rye

Profile picture for user albacore

Otherwise known as South Tyrol Farmers' Bread

I made this a while ago but it wasn't entirely successful, turning out a bit "solid". The recipe calls for Austrian T960 flour which I think is the same as German T997.

The first time I made it I used home milled wholegrain rye sifted at #50. This time I had planned to use Shipton Mill T997 light rye, but it was out of stock and I was sent Doves Farm white rye as a substitute - a bit whiter, but close enough.

Caroline trio loaf with sprouted spelt

Profile picture for user JonJ

I had all of the best intentions of sticking to the recipe on this one but diverged. Caroline's "39% WW triple levain w/ Holy Trinity add ins Pullman Loaf" intrigued me and I had every intention to make one exactly the same, but then I thought.... well I've got some spelt sprouts growing, why don't I use those instead of the wholewheat? And when it came time to adding the ingredients I realized we'd run out of honey!

Starter Storage

Profile picture for user Benito

I'm going to be on vacation and away from my starter for almost a month.  So no baking while on vacation.  So this is what I am doing to ensure my starter, John Dough is healthy and ready to go when I return.

Adventures in milling: Rye.

Profile picture for user idaveindy

Wow. I haven't milled anything since fall 2020. The pandemic, moving during the pandemic, and life's hassles.

Milling is currently a 2 step process for me:

  1. Crack the grain in a hand-crank 3-roller Shule brand mill. 
  2. Run the cracked grain through a Vitamix blender for 30 seconds.

If I don't crack the grain first, the grain scratches and clouds the plastic container, takes longer to grind, and heats up more.

82nd bake. 01/24/2022. Denisa's 100% rye, take 2.

Profile picture for user idaveindy

Jan. 24, 2022.  82nd bake.

Denisa's rye, take 2.  First bake for the Rye Community bake.

Her formula here:

My previous bake of it here:

The goal is to divide her formula by 3 and make one loaf of about 835 g.