Sourdough Fougasse (1st. Time)

Thanks to Benito ( I tried it myself, and I was very happy with it.
Thanks to Benito ( I tried it myself, and I was very happy with it.
My attempt at making this bread. There were two loaves, nearly square. They expanded and matted together in the oven. Pleasant taste, good expansion and open crumb.
Inspired by Breadtopia and copied:
The only difference, I added an overnight retardation in the fridge because my kitchen was too warm.
Since I don't have a mill I used dark rye flour.
I am very pleased with the result, moist and not 'gummy' at all.
Kimmicher, a large bun, weight about 200g, typical for the city of Reutlingen in Germany.
If you like caraway seed, you got to try this. The buns are truly fantastic.
The recipe is here:
I'll translate it into English if anyone would like to read it.
Kosakenbrot (Kosake = Cossak)
Made according to the excellent German baker Lutz
slightly more than 50% Rye which you can definitely taste.
This one I baked in a Big Green Egg. I can't say how it tastes, it's still warm.
Recipe here: