Mini Oven's blog

Grating chocolate tip

Profile picture for user Mini Oven

I was grating a semi sweet chocolate bar and as usual the loose chocolate gets magnetized and starts to creep up my steel box grater and threatens to make a big mess when trying to get the bits where they should be.  So I thought...would putting a magnet on the grater make it worse or tame these wee dancing flakes?  

Schüttelbrot, "shake it 'n' bake it"

Profile picture for user Mini Oven

Saw the making of this bread on a tv culture special. Had never seen this technique before.  The dough is very wet and turned out onto a heavily floured bench after a rest from final mixer mixing.  (Any mixer can handle this white rye goo.) With heavily floured hands, the dough is portioned, pulled from the mass and shapped into balls or floured globs and rested on a floured tray with plenty of spacing.  Then after a rest, dough is geschüttelt or shaken until it flattens out into a large, for want of word, cracker resembling a pizza slipping and sliding across the peel.

Old French Fries never looked so Good!

Profile picture for user Mini Oven

You've been there.  Nibbled on cold french fries but they were "ok, but could be better" you tell yourself.  Then they end up in the trash or soup but not really outstanding shriveled up and cold. No? Wait. What happens if they get chopped up and tossed into roll dough?  Ha!  I did it.  And with cheese on top!

Raw Sauerkraut lurking in fridge

Profile picture for user Mini Oven

since before Christmas.  You know how it is, down in the bottom of the fridge hidding between the spuds and onions.  Na ya, keep or toss?  Opened the bag and removed the top inch of kraut.  Hmmm, about a cup of nice juice and great smelling sauerkraut in there.  Put it into glass added a little water and sprinkled several heaping soupspoonfuls of white wheat on top.  Stirred in making a milky lumpy thin batter.  Covered and came bake later to notice nothing going on.  Next day nothing.  Ah, waking up the sleepy beasties.

Cold Rainy Roll kind of day

Profile picture for user Mini Oven

Just throwing something together... a 300g spelt, 200g wheat bread flour, half a cup of yeast water starter, apple yeast water some scalded milk, blob of butter and a decent shake of ground caraway, 10g salt.   Forgot how rubbery wheat dough can be.  Had to let it relax so often!  After bulking, stretched the dough into a two foot long narrow pizza like shape, rest, and cut triangles to roll up.  

Something different and easy.  Brushed with milk and let 'em rise under a wet  towel.   210°C hot oven with steam. 20 min. 

It started with an Einkorn Poolish

Profile picture for user Mini Oven

It started with an Einkorn Poolish.  What was I thinking?   Should drink my morning coffee first before doing this.  Desperate to try out my new crown cane banneton, threw the last of my Einkorn flour onto the scale, 138 grams.  Matched that with equal weights of water. Whoops! A tad too much, no biggie, Einkorn loves to soak up water if given the time and gee whiz, only 10 extra grams.  Then found a 7 g package of instant yeast, tore open and tapped in a gram or two saving the rest for later.

On the oven road...

Profile picture for user Mini Oven

I regret I hadn't photo documented and tasted that yam loaf.  It took much longer rising  (influenced by long rises on the Tartine theme) ending up on the porch overnight, and because that was too cold in the morning, I did some microwave low voltage zaps to it and then when it got to rising, had to tip it out of the banneton (no problem, rice flour) and fold the dough.  It was so full of rice flour (fear it might stick) I ended up holding it under the running tap to wash off the flour.  A few folds in the air with wet hands and I was in business.

Spelt, Rye, Einkorn & Organic AP

Profile picture for user Mini Oven

Basically a 1-2-3 Sourdough formula using two fresh baby Rye and Einkorn sourdough starters.  Started respectfully on Friday and Thursday of last week, this is their first loaf.  Last night they had peaked in activity (4 and 3 days old) and I combined:

1)   215g sourdough starter,  predominantly a rye sour 

2)   350g water with 50g Whole Einkorn flour Tangzhong.      Making a 70% hydration dough