Blog posts

10% Semola Rimacinata baguettes

Profile picture for user trailrunner

Well batch 4 and I couldn’t be happier. Snap crackle pop! Gorgeous color crust and grine all along the slash. I’m using a single edge razor blade and being intentional instead of the fraidy cat I used to be. It’s also making sure to not let these loaves proof longer than 45 min.

Cardamom Orange 50% Whole Wheat Sourdough Rolls

Profile picture for user Benito

We are going to a BBQ at a friend’s home and I wanted to bring something for dessert.  I’ve only made these types of sweet rolls a couple of times so thought I would make sweet rolls.  I’ve been baking with whole grains more and more so decided I’d make these at 50% stoneground organic whole wheat.  With even 50% whole wheat these should still be fluffy, shreddable and soft.  We love cardamom but I wanted to add another flavour, I’ve recently been using orange zest a lot and thought orange and cardamom should go well together.

Baking Canele's to Perfection

Profile picture for user kendalm

This has taken a lot practice to get to the point where

- The tops are evenly browned
- The canele itself is tall and statuesque (they easily collapse to runty dense loaves)
- The crumb is open throughout
- The crust is not too light and not too tough
- Etc etc

Made 7.5 lbs flour, HWSW, HRWW, rye. 07/28/2022.

Profile picture for user idaveindy

July 28, 2022.

Wow, it's been just over 6 months since I milled any wheat, and just under 6 months since I milled rye:

So, tonight I got out the Shule (a Chinese made edition of what was likely a German model) 3-roller hand crank mill.  I use it to crack the grain. 

93rd bake. 07/23/2022. WW, durum semolina, IDY.

Profile picture for user idaveindy

July 23, 2022.  93rd bake.

240 g Bob's Red Mill stone ground whole wheat.

66 g durum semolina (the gritty stuff), Swad brand from Patel Brothers.

44 g Gold Medal bread flour.

3.0 g table salt.

3.0 g Morton Lite Salt.

1 tsp Fleischmann instant dry yeast.

261 + 8 + 9 + 8 + 10 = 296 g bottled spring water.

Mixed, rested, kneaded a little, stretch and folds, kneaded.  I didn't keep track of time.  

Anadama Bread - Reinhart's Bread Bakers Apprentice

Profile picture for user StevenSensei

I've made this a few times in the past and it's always been a light and fluffy loaf. Which in all honesty this should have been but instead I made the super dense anadama BRICK!  Basically instead of taking the recipe and dividing or scaling it properly I made it up and tossed it into my Pullman pan. Let it finish it's prove (which was enough to press on the lid) and baked it off. In hindsight it was probably too much dough and would have been better with less to get more of that fluffy result....but even as a dense bread it's delicious. 

Egg Multi-grain Cream Cheese Potato Rolls

Profile picture for user Isand66

     I wanted to make some soft tasty rolls that I could use for burgers and sandwiches.

This one uses cream cheese and baked potatoes to soften the crum and a mix of freshly ground whole wheat, spelt and corn flour along with some KAF bread flour.

I use some everything bagel topping and some grated chedar cheese which tasted great.

The honey added a little bit of sweetness which in the end turned out a nice soft tasty roll perfect for just about anything.