Blog posts

Morton Lite Salt and Vitalyte.

Profile picture for user idaveindy

(This is a tangent to other low-salt discussions on TFL.

I came to Morton Lite Salt via Vitalyte, which used to be known as Gookinaid, and before that "E-R-G" which stood for "Electrolyte Replacement, with Glucose." makes a great isotonic sports drink. Nutrition info here:

Leaving the pan...


So I mostly bake for my weekly needs which means sandwiches, toast and the like. For a long time I've been doing pan loaves because that's an easy shape to use for those things. It also let me not worry as much about overly extensible doughs with lots of spelt, etc when I was learning to work with those. 

Salted Honey and Lavender Sourdough

Profile picture for user StevenSensei

This one was inspired by WoodenSpoon @ thefreshloaf in this post . I had a bit of fresh lavender growing and the rains of early summer made me do this one. Some information was missing from the original post and various people have followed up with their own bakes but as far as I could see nobody had actually posted a full recipe / calculation for the bread so....


Dark Chocolate Chip 50% Whole Wheat Sourdough Brioche

Profile picture for user Benito

I’m joining my partner in Newfoundland to visit his family there. Working from home I was able to squeeze in a bake so I could bring some bread with me. Since my dinner guests all seem to have enjoyed my brioche, I decided to bake a 50% WW SD Brioche, but this time with the addition of dark chocolate chips to make it a bit more decadent.

Honey Ginger and Jasmine Rice Milk Bread Buns

Profile picture for user HeiHei29er

Benny's milk bread and trying to make hamburger buns are two bakes that have been on my list for quite a while.  I've also been wanting to do another round of my Honey Ginger and Jasmine Rice bread.  This weekend I tackled all three at once and used this bake as the basis, but I went with Active Dry Yeast (ADY) instead of sourdough.

Makes twelve buns big enough to easily handle a 1/2 pound hamburger patty (as a size estimate)...

Orange Poppyseeds 100% Whole Wheat Sourdough Hokkaido Milk Bread

Profile picture for user Benito

Another variation on my 100% WW SD Hokkaido milk bread, this time with orange zest and poppyseeds. The weather is much more humid this time of year and as a result my flour isn’t able to absorb quite as much water as during the winter. I forgot to take this into account so the dough was stickier and more challenging to shape. Ultimately it baked up just fine, giving it a good couple of hours in the fridge would have helped a bit but I didn’t do that since I was out of bread so that is an emergency around here!

Rye-Spelt Beer Bread with Cheese

Profile picture for user Isand66

I asked my good friend Mike for some of his homebrewed Ale so I could use it in a bake and I have to say the results were quite good.

I thought some fresh milled rye and spelt would go perfectly with the ale and I wasn’t mistaken. I added a nice healthy handful of shredded cheese mix which included Asiaggo, Parmesan and Cheddar which paired perfectly with the other ingredients.

Yeast water, home milled, whole wheat, pan loaf

Profile picture for user MTloaf

This just happens to be the softest, lightest, tallest, least sour WW pan loaf I have ever made. Something I wasn’t sure was possible with my home milled grains. I am not sure I can technically say it’s 100% WW because I sifted out 10% of the bran with a 40# screen but only out of the flour used in the final mix. I left the bran in for lthe two stage levain. This was my first attempt to use yeast water for whole grain after reading something Dabrownman wrote here years ago about how it would lighten up whole grain loaves. Indeed it does!