20230119+0205 100% whole-spelt egg noodles with CLAS

Profile picture for user Yippee


Please see here and here to learn more about concentrated lactic acid sourdough (CLAS). 




This whole-spelt noodle requires a little more work than soba, but not too bad.





13% whole spelt flour from whole spelt CLAS

81% fresh whole spelt flour 

19% water from whole spelt CLAS 

33% whole egg (1)

season the dough to taste




6% extra whole spelt flour  


Dough consistency when done mixing. Total dough weight ~250g. Rest 1-2 hours 


divide into 5 x 50g dough balls


pasta roller#1 x 1, fold; repeat 3-4 times until the dough is smooth.

pasta roller#2 x 2-3

pasta roller#3 x 2

pasta roller#4 x 1

place the dough sheets between parchment paper



fettuccine cutter x 1



What a scene (to a newbie)!


See my soba noodle post for cooking setup. 


Thinner noodles have a more delicate texture.







P.S. 20230205 whole-spelt noodles with homemade cracklins


Use a much stiffer dough so that I don't have to hang the noodles.


Trying a new technique









A whole-grain version of an old-time Hong Kong street food - noodles with cracklins,(🐷)油渣麵 but I forgot to add the cracklins to the broth!






Profile picture for user jo_en

I love seeing all these noodles!  The freshness and bounciness really stand out in the broth.

What a variety of clas types that you can pull from.  I can't keep up!!

I have not bought these flours before but will get them at the next grain store stop.

By the way, I didn't see this post and a couple of others of your listed on the front page. I only saw it by searching for your name. Is there someone who can fix this problem? It might be on my end - not sure.