Blog posts

First bake at 6000 ft

Profile picture for user justkeepswimming

We just moved from sunny AZ to Cheyenne, WY. My starter seems to have made the move just fine, bubbling up nicely when fed. Unpacking is progressing, and I am starting to find kitchen things bit by bit.

I threw together a sandwich loaf yesterday just so we could have something, and wasn't sure how things would turn out. This was a no recipe/no notes concoction, put together after discovering my loaf pans. 🎉

Rye Spelt using SD Starter and the Holy Trinity

Profile picture for user HeiHei29er

It was a busy weekend and a busy weekend of baking!  Catching up on a few posts...

Have been trying a few recipes and techniques of other TFL'ers in my last couple bakes, and this weekend I tried trailrunner's holy trinity of equal parts honey, EVOO, and yogurt in place of some of the water.  I chose to try it on one of the whole grain recipes I've been wanting to bake again:  60 rye:40 spelt with toasted pumpkin seeds and flaxseed.

Buckwheat Whole Wheat Sourdough Hokkaido Milk Bread

Profile picture for user Benito

I still have a bag of whole buckwheat flour from Anita’s Mill that I am finding hard to use up. I decided to try it in a milk bread for something a bit different.  Then because buckwheat has no gluten I decided I’d use it in the tangzhong and also as half the flour in the levain.  Buckwheat is neither a grain nor a grass, in fact it is a flowering plant related to rhubarb and sorrel.  It is considered a pseudo cereal.  The seeds of buckwheat are what is used to make the flour and it is becoming in vogue at the moment in French bakeries for bread. 

Combining type I&II starters

Profile picture for user PANEMetCIRCENSES

This bake was made by combining two starters together namely spontaneous sourdough (type I) and sourwort (natural  type II) in search of a more unique and complete taste profile along with good bread appearance.

The motive behind this test was based on the particulars of each one of the two ferments that I keep which possess very different but complimentary characteristics.

Cherry Cheese Whole Wheat Bread

Profile picture for user Isand66

    I was so happy with how my last bake came out using a two step levain build I decided to try it again.  I wanted to use some of the Vermont cheese we bought on our vacation last month and I had a bunch of tasty cherries we bought from the store just begging to be put to good use.

I combined some Artisan Bread Flour from KAF with some high extraction fresh milled Ruby Red Whole Wheat from Barton Springs Mill.  The cheese was a mild Vermont Cheddar that was cubed so it wouldn’t completely melt when baked.

Brioche babka with cream cheese filling

Profile picture for user JonJ

Last week Natalya Syanova of Natasha's Baking posted a short video of a babka with a cream cheese filling that I just had to make. The filling she used was made with cream cheese, an egg yolk,  sugar and vanilla, so you can imagine the resulting flavour, and she also use a brioche base for it to ensure a super soft and pillowy texture.

Instead of using her brioche recipe though, I used a Tangzhong one from Bread by Elise.