Blog posts

Sourdough Milk Buns

Profile picture for user Benito

So I’ve discovered that most people prefer white bread to wholegrain, at least it seems that my friends do.  So in planning for a dinner party I decided I’d do my milk bun recipe but using only bread flour and no wholegrain other than the rye in the starter.  They turned out really really well especially when finished with some melted butter and some Maldon flaked salt.


Profile picture for user HeiHei29er

In the late 1800's, a lot of immigrants from Slovenia and Croatia came to this part of the world to work in the mines.  They brought some of their food influences too.  A local restaurant/bakery makes potica (pronounced Po-TEET-Sah), which is a Slovenian sweet bread with filling.  The most common filling is ground walnuts, and like many foods, each family has their own recipe.  This bread has been on my bake list for a few months now.  I have a friend from Slovenia, and recently, her mother was gracious enough to share their family recipe with me.  Hope I did i

Trevor Wilson's Holiday Cranberry Sourdough

Profile picture for user rgreenberg2000

I haven't posted anything in ages since I tend to make the same loaves on a regular basis that I have shared before.  I am still baking weekly, and I visit here often to see what creations everyone is baking up!  This week, I decided to shake things up a bit and find some loaves that would be fitting for holiday gatherings and gifts.

Bran Enriched 100% WW Bread

Profile picture for user PANEMetCIRCENSES

The recipe and method used to make the bread in this post is identical to this one with one extra addition. 14g (4% baker’s percentage) of wheat bran flakes are soaked in water, kept in the fridge overnight and strained before added to the preferment along with the coarse part of the ww flour and two starters, sourdough & sourwort.

Photos from this attempt:

Dual Starter 100% Whole Wheat

Profile picture for user PANEMetCIRCENSES

This boule was made from 100% whole wheat flour using dual sourdough/lactic starter.


Whole wheat flour:    ‘Caputo Integrale’ with germ and bran (13% protein)

Sourdough starter:     Whole rye, 80% hydration, 18C, refresh rate 50% once daily, phase 60%

Lactic starter:              Sourwort Made Easy

Vital wheat gluten:    ‘vwg’ 80% protein (optional but helps)

Sourwort Made Easy

Profile picture for user PANEMetCIRCENSES

In this short post I describe how I prepare sourwort (lactic starter) nowadays for bread making with emphasis given to starter freshness and simplicity of technique.

Only a small quantity is prepared at a time just enough for a single bake (no propagation, no fridge storage, no additives). Made and used fresh each time ensures greater control over starter behavior, robustness and overall microflora liveness.

Equipment requirements include a means of keeping the starter warm while fermenting and a small size French press coffee maker.



Black and White Sesame Yorkville Sourdough Baguettes and Epi

Profile picture for user Benito

I find that if I don’t make baguettes often enough I get very rusty. I haven’t made baguettes in about 4 months so was really very overdue. I’ve always thought that epis look really nice and never tried making one, so here is my first effort at an epi. I also hadn’t done a seeded crust in quite some time so that was also overdue.