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Lithuanian Black Rye and 40% Emmer and Einkorn

Profile picture for user HeiHei29er

Two fun bakes this weekend...  A Lithuanian Black Rye recipe that I found on IG, and my 40% Whole Grain (Emmer and Einkorn).  All the whole grain flours in both breads are fresh milled using berries from Janie's Mill.


Rye Sour
100g   Whole Rye flour
100g   Water
30g     Starter
1)   Combine ingredients and ferment at 76 deg F for 8-10 hours

Sesame sort of Semolina


Looking for a tasty bread that would be good for sandwiches. Tried out dmsnyder's recipe

I made a few changes, some intentional, some by mistake. I used honey instead of sugar. I spaced the night before and just fed my starter and didn't make a levain so i just used 100g of that in final dough so no rye of WW in my levain.

Was not going to divide dough so I shaped after bulk fermentation and retarded overnight in banneton.

Sandwich Bread x2


I recently baked the Vermont Whole Wheat Oatmeal Honey Bread by King Arthur. It was a delicious flop. It tore horribly during kneading even with lots of resting time. I subbed oat flour for the rolled oats, so I essentially lowered the gluten and possibly the water as well. It also didn't call for an autolyse for the whole wheat portion. I had previously used Floyd's Honey Whole Wheat on here and didn't have those issues.

Rouge de Bourdeaux & White Whole Wheat Sourdough

Profile picture for user CalBeachBaker

Today's Bake

Rouge de Bourdeaux & White Whole Wheat Sourdough

Based on: Tartine - Book No. 3 by Chad Robertson - White-Wheat Blend (Ode to Bourdon)

I've become interested in milling my own flour but before I took the plunge I purchased some Rouge de Bourdeaux freshly ground flour from Barton Spring Mill ( to check it out.

Cranberry Orange Pecan Hokkaido Milk Bread

Profile picture for user Benito

I did not bring my starter with me to Florida.  Instead, I have decided that I would bake using preferments using tiny amounts of IDY.  Today I baked a loaf using a biga.  The main reason I chose a biga is that I want milk to be the main hydrating liquid for this bread rather than water, it is a milk bread after all.  I didn’t do a good job accounting for the humidity of Fort Lauderdale and the formula I wrote up ended up with a dough that was too wet.  I gradually added little bits of flour until it wasn’t so wet.

Sourdough/Breadmaking Journey begins


Got a sourdough starter up and living about 3 weeks ago. That had some challenges. The biggest being when my wife didn't realize it was happy inside the oven and she turned the oven to 400 deg. Needless to say my new little starter and the plastic container it was living in did not fair well.

Tried baking my first loaf using a 85% hydration dough. That was a little too much to handle for a 1st try. Took a step back and went with a 72% hydration dough, Maurizio's beginner sourdough. I cooked this in a clay cloche. I think it turned out pretty well.