Blog posts

Seven Grain Sourdough Hokkaido Milk Bread

Profile picture for user Benito

I unfortunately am sick, but running out of bread, so I decided I needed to bake a loaf of bread that wouldn’t require excessive hands on time and allow for some inattention.  This type of bread does require great gluten development since it is fully wholegrain, so I use the KA mixer to do that which takes some load off of me.  I don’t need to measure pH or rise really with this since I know what the dough should look like in the pullman pan when it is done final proof.  I think it turned out well considering my lack of attention to it yesterday during fermentation.

How much flour for a 5 quart Dutch oven


I have a 5 quart cast iron Dutch oven with lid and I am interested in baking some no-knead artesian bread.  Could anyone tell me the minimum and maximum amounts of flour that works with a 5 qt Dutch oven?  Most of the recipes I find just say to use a Dutch oven without indicating what is the best size for the amount of flour the recipe calls for.

50% Biga Bread

Profile picture for user HeiHei29er

I originally tried this bread with the 90% biga version.  I struggled with lumpy dough like others did and couldn't get them all out.  Even with the lumps, my sister-in-law really liked the bread, and she asked for it again this week.

Starter question

Profile picture for user loaflove

Hi all

When my starter peaks but I'm not ready to mix my dough yet, can I put the starter in the fridge for about 8-10 hrs then mix my dough? Will I have to bring it back to room temp before I mix? 



Hansjoakim's Favorite 70% Rye: Revisiting an old friend

Profile picture for user dmsnyder

Hansjoakim was a regular contributor to thefreshloaf for a long time, He was a physics graduate student at the time, as I recall, and an amazingly adventurous and talented chef and baker. In September, 2009 he posted what he called his "favorite 70% rye." I asked him for the formula and baked it myself a week later. It was easy to see why it was a favorite. It was an easy dough to handle for a 70% rye, and it was delicious to eat.

Sandwich Bread



I find that most sandwich bread recipes include, butter or oil.  I would like to find a good basic recipe for sandwich bread that does not include butter or oil.  I need to  bake a lot of sandwich bread and I am looking to minimize ingredients.  Any suggestions?

Durum-Rye Sourdough Bread

Profile picture for user Isand66
I wanted a nice bread for sandwiches and/or toast so I threw together some Durum flour, fresh milled high extraction rye flour, AP flour and a little Potato flour I had recently bought at KAF.  The Potato flour helps keep the bread from going stale.

I also added some fresh honey I picked up during our recent trip to Vermont to add a touch of sweetness.

For the topping I used some “The Works” Bread Topping from KAF which to be honest is a bit strong.  It has a bunch of different seeds, garlic, onion, paprika, tumeric and sea salt and spices.

Lavender Oatmeal Porridge Loaf

Profile picture for user CrustyJohn

Further explorations in porridge loaves.  I'm currently out of interesting flours, so it seemed a good time to try something new in the porridge category.  Oats are pretty much always at hand.


Spec.'s: (I think)

350g bread flour

75g white spelt

25g peanut flour

338g water (~75% hydration)

~1tbsp salt


180g quick oat porridge with ~tbsp lavender a dash of salt and a glug of cane syrup