Attempting to make Pan de cristal (Glass bread)


Anyone knows why this happens? I get a huge tunnel through the whole loaf, at the top, just below the crust. I use 347gr equal parts of flour and water, 7gr salt, and 3gr yeast. I fermented the dough for around 4hrs, along side some coil folds before finishing bulk fermentation. It was baked in a convectional oven at 220C*. 

Hopefully an educated one. I think it's either a big air pocket. Between hydration and the way glass bread is handled it can very easily trap in large bubbles. Either that or this may be what we see happen in pita bread. It's a pocket which forms when moisture within the dough hits a very hot oven which might be more likely given the type of bread that's being made. But as I said just putting ideas out there. 

For the amount of yeast used and flour depending on the temperature of bulk I’d say a combination of insufficient gluten development early on and a bit of over fermentation has conspired to cause the gluten breakdown seen in the crumb causing the tunnels.
