Blog posts

Local West Australian Stone Ground Flour Tried

Profile picture for user yozzause

 i was very fortunate to be gifted some flour that is grown locally by a farmer and stone ground on site. I wanted to do the Flour justice and was given the tip that it was exceptional by the owner of a very successful local bakery  that is doing great things here in Western Australia. Thankyou Lachie and Big Loaf.

Mazanec and Vanocka Sourdough

Profile picture for user Benito

This year we will be away until just before Christmas.  As a result, I need to do at least some of my Christmas baking before we go.  I’ve been eyeing the mazanec recipe from Maurizio Leo since Easter.  I realize that Mazanec is an Easter bread, but the recipes for Mazanec and Vanocka are so similar and since Vanocka is a christmas bread I thought I would try making these.  The Mazanec seems to be shaped as a boule and given a cross scoring.

RWC SD @ 75%

Profile picture for user rgreenberg2000

I have posted similar loaves in the past, but there's probably been enough change to the formula, I thought I'd add a new entry.  This bread is what I make every week about 90% of the time (my recent olive and cranberry loaves notwithstanding.) Over the past year or two, I've swapped the amounts for whole wheat vs durum, in favor of a higher % of durum in the mix.  All of the non-white flour is freshly milled in my Komo Fidibus mill.

Oh, and I've confused people in the past with the RWC's the city I live in (Redwood City.) :)


20221028 100% whole-wheat pumpkin bread with CLAS

Profile picture for user Yippee

Please see here and here to learn more about concentrated lactic acid sourdough (CLAS). 




This pumpkin bread is made with fresh 100% white whole-wheat flour. Pumpkin puree makes up approximately 85% of the liquid in the bread.

No egg or butter is used. Instead, mascarpone cheese is used to achieve a "cleaner" pumpkin taste.  

30% WW SD Hokkaido Milk Bread

Profile picture for user Benito

This is my first bake using my new Ankarsrum Assistent to develop the dough.  What they say is true, there is definitely a learning curve and I am at the beginning of that slope.  This would usually take 30 mins from start of mix to the end of kneading in the KA mixer, not that I could safely do two loaves though.  With my being totally new to this mixer and wanting to try both the dough hook and the roller, it took me 60 mins!  Much of it was me f’ing around though so I can’t blame the Ankarsrum Assistent.

Ankarsrum Assistent

Profile picture for user Benito

I just unboxed, cleaned and setup my new Ankarsrum Assistent, I’m loving the build quality and this gorgeous orange we picked.  I can’t wait to try it out.  I plan to bake two Hokkaido milk breads tomorrow.  Hopefully I’ll have a glowing review and I hope I can learn to use this quickly with tomorrow’s bake.  In the meantime here are the photos.

Holiday Cranberry SD v2

Profile picture for user rgreenberg2000

We have friends coming into town this week, so I needed more bread on hand.  Seemed like a good time to take a run at Holiday Cranberry v2 (now BASED on Trevor Wilson’s formula, but tweaked more to my starter/process.)  Everything went very well with this bake EXCEPT for a hydration issue……. After I got all the water, levain and flours into my Ank, it was dry as dry could be!!

PiPs Olive & Herb Sourdough

Profile picture for user rgreenberg2000

As part of my search for some new formulas to work with (with an eye toward the holidays), I spent some time perusing PiPs blog posts.  If you haven't had the time to look through his content, I have to say, I could spend a month or two just baking some of the absolutely delicious looking breads that he presented here!  Lovely stuff!