Blog posts

80% Hydration Baguettes from Weekend Bakery

Profile picture for user Danni3ll3

Am I crazy to serve baguettes to French cousins? Probably, but oh well! Family dinner coming up tonight and I was asked to bring bread for the cheese course. I am bringing a loaf of my flat 4 grain bread ? but since that wasn’t my best effort and my mom prefers baguettes, here they are. 

I used this recipe as it has been good to me in the past. Scoring could be a lot better but I am quite happy with the shape. 

My 3rd batch of Joze's version of 50/50 community bake...

Profile picture for user not.a.crumb.left

3rd batch

Same approach and this time I put the dough into the wine cooler at a warmer temp at 8C to see whether I get those nice bubbles as Joze does. No bubbles but the dough was without a doubt more bubbly and puffy. I managed to get it on my impromptu floured teatowel couche....they look a little bit like battered fish...huh.....

Meat Filled "Baked" Buns

Profile picture for user PalwithnoovenP

This is something that I made a few months ago when I wasn't actively posting. I almost forgot it until I saw it again last week so I thought of posting it. These were inspired by Kao Bao Zi, meat filled buns baked in a tandoor oven from a specific region in China.

Sourdough Pizza, Yum

Profile picture for user texasbakerdad

550 dF convection bake with Pizza Stone.

  • 15% half whole wheat sourdough starter
  • 5% whole wheat
  • 80% all purpose flour
  • 70% hydration

Bulk ferment for 2 hours in fridge and 2 hours at room temp. 

used parchment paper to make sliding pizza onto stone easy. 

Four Seeds Multigrain Sourdough

Profile picture for user Danni3ll3

I don’t usually bake mid week, but I had requests from family and friends who needed bread ASAP! I was also asked to repeat the 5 grain levain loaves but since I like to try different combinations, I thought I would take inspiration from Frank’s Let’s Blame CNN bread and Hamelman’s 5 grain levain. 

I was going to retard the levain it since time was of the essence, I ended up going for a young levain. It seemed to be quite active and rose nicely in spite of short timelines. 

Multi-grain sourdough bread made with home-milled flours August 8, 2018

Profile picture for user dmsnyder

Multi-grain Sourdough Bread with home-milled flour

David Snyder

August 8, 2018

Today's bake is another variation on the multi-grain sourdough breads I have been baking for the past few years. This one has a bit more whole grain flour – 40% versus 30%. Some fresh-milled spelt was substituted for some AP flour. The whole grain flours were milled in a MockMill 100, just before mixing. Because of the higher percentage whole grain flour, I also bumped the hydration up from 78 to 83%.