This week’s round of RWC SD. Changes for this one were:
- Dropped WW addition, increased Semolina
- Reduced hydration to 67% (was going to make baguettes, but didn’t)
- Increased 75F proof to 2 hours before overnight
Did my usual mix, rest, pinch, stretch/fold, rest, s/f, rest, s/f rest, bulk, etc.
The dough was a bit stickier than I expected with the reduced hydration, but I also switched to Gold Medal AP since the store was out of KA… seems to behave a bit differently. Got everything shaped up ok, and baked up after a cold nap.
Since we talked a bit about slashing and ears and such in my last blog entry, I took a picture of my slash on this one. I guess my estimate of only 1/4” slash as my standard was a bit off, I’d say this is closer to 1/2” (and, I have to say I REALLY like the looks of the bubbles you can see in the slash line…..or “ditch” if you like Dan’s parlance!):
Uncovered for last 25 minutes:
Out of the oven to cool:
Not quite the same bloom as the last one, but I think I didn’t underproof it quite as much, so that makes some sense. Also, this batch sized ended up smaller than usual since I was originally planning to make baguettes and had changed my formula weights for that…..but ended up making two batards instead.
Haven’t cut into either loaf yet, so don’t know how the crumb turned out, but it smells fantastic! I’ll post up a crumb shot later.
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950g AP Flour
190g Semolina Flour
240g Starter
725g Water
25g Salt
Pretty happy with this!
Another beauty.
Enjoy your breakfast!
Thanks, Carole!
another lovely loaf and the scoring reminds me a bit of my loaf when I am lucky enough and they work....ha..ha..
I noticed that you start scoring quite almost at the bottom of the curved bit of the loaf and that opens it up nicely...
Interesting what you say about bulk or did you mean final proof? I've done an experiment on that so see what difference I get for same dough depending on rise in bulk.
Just curious but what do you do to track the percentage of bulk?
Beautiful as always and the semolina (and as with your other breads with rye, WW) and whitish is turning into one of my favorites too..... thank you for sharing.. Kat
p.s. I saw on IG an interesting version where someone also added some 00 or AP flour to this combination and I wonder what that would do to the crumb and make it even fluffier...
Thanks, I'm happy to have found some consistency, for sure (I'll jinx myself by saying I haven't had a flat loaf in a while.....) :)
Scoring: Yes, I really do get to the bottom with my slash/score, since it tends to split itself there anyway if I don't. I think that it does help a little in terms of how the loaf opens up.
I don't think I changed my bulk timing at all (2 hours in proofer at 75F), but I did extend the 75F rise in bannetons after shaping from an hour to 2 hours before retarding. I don't track the percentage rise in the bulk, I've just come up with my timing based on how it looks/feels. I always bulk in the same container at the same temp in my B&T proofer, so, assuming my levain is behaving normally, 2 hours works out well just about every time.
My next tweak to this will be to add back in my 50g of rye to the mix (so 75% AP, 20% Semolina, 5% the WW that's in the starter which is 20% of flour weight.)
.....and then, I really want to try the 00 idea. Did you catch what percentage 00 they used? I have a bunch of Caputo in stock for making pizzas.
pushing proof before the loaf goes in the retarder...when I did a one day baking course recently with a small SD bakery they let the dough also rise quite a bit before it just goes into a cool room at 3C overnight...
similar approach to what you describe there, I think...
I love Caputo 00 and if you curious, have a look at when I baked a 100% 00 sometime ago...the crumb was just amazing and this is when my ears perked up when I saw the IG posts putting some percentage of that in the dough...combined with Somolina and WW...
Now below is the link to the IG posts and he mentions in the comments that he uses WW, Semolina and oo....hmmm...when I was mulling this in my head I thought maybe just to keep the ww and semolina 150g, 150g, and 350g strong white and 350g Caputo 00.... so you still have the taste of the other flours and the fluffiness of the 00...
or if you wish dangerously just replace the 00 instead of your normal white? Oh, very exciting and this was also on my to do list... Kat