Blog posts

Sourdough in a saucepan

Profile picture for user CJHardy

As I am without a Dutch oven, oven stone or bread pan of the right size, I thought I would try this basic bread in a cast iron non-stick saucepan. This is the second time I have tried baking this way. I got a limited bloom as the dough was very wet, very ripe and had no bench work or second prove. 


500g Tesco Very strong white bread flour

100g Matthews Cotswold Crunch flour

100g plain white flour starter 100% hydration

10g salt

80% hydration


Starter fed 6 hours before mixing. This had just gone past peak.

18-hour retarded bulk fermentation

Profile picture for user pul

This is probably one of my best ever. It contains 50% wheat flour, and 50% mix of light rye and whole wheat, 9% fermented flour, and 68% overall hydration. No autolyse has been used, two hours bulk fermentation at room temperature (30 C), applying two stretches and folds before sending it to fridge for an extended 18-hour retarded bulk fermentation.

After the cold bulk fermentation, it was shaped and proofed for another 80 min on the counter before been baked in DO at 220 C for 30 min with lid on + 5 min with lid off to color.

Spelt Cherry Pecan SD Bread

Profile picture for user Isand66

I just received my delivery of 25 pounds of spelt berries so obviously I needed to use some in my next bake.

I combined the fresh spelt sifted once after milling with my Mock Mill 200 with some French style flour from KAF, left-over mashed potatoes, pecans and fresh cherries.  I made one big miche this time and was very happy with the results.  The crumb is nice and open and moist and the 57% spelt in this formula really shines through with a nice nutty flavor to go along with the pecans.  This one is a keeper and worth trying.

So over this heat

Profile picture for user kendalm

Baking when your environment is 10-15F warmer is just no ok sometimes - 30 minute proofing give you just enough time to prep - i want 68F ambient back please - Blech ! These are my yeast on salt hypothesis -> experiment as a corollary to Abe's recent proving that starters don't give a hoot if salt is introduced - yeast was on fire today.

80% Hydration Baguettes from Weekend Bakery

Profile picture for user Danni3ll3

Am I crazy to serve baguettes to French cousins? Probably, but oh well! Family dinner coming up tonight and I was asked to bring bread for the cheese course. I am bringing a loaf of my flat 4 grain bread ? but since that wasn’t my best effort and my mom prefers baguettes, here they are. 

I used this recipe as it has been good to me in the past. Scoring could be a lot better but I am quite happy with the shape.