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1-2-3 Double levain -rye SD and AYW

Profile picture for user trailrunner

Nice easy very minimal hands on bread. 200g/400g/600g. The levain was built from leftovers after the lovely date pecan bake and 100 g of apple YW was used directly into the 400g of liquid along with 30g yogurt and 30g of honey. Two sets of lamination folds at 30 min apart and a bulk ferment for a couple hours cause I got busy and forgot! It tripled! Yikes. Quickly shaped and retarded. Again due to stuff it sat till supper time the next day . Baked the usual graniteware roaster 10 min covered 500 degrees, 5 min covered at 465 then 20 min uncovered.

Rimacinata “00”

Profile picture for user trailrunner

and ramacinata semolina. Ordered both flours. Amazing quality. The pasta is like yellow velvet. Helps that we had local double yolk eggs. Served with a pasta Fresca sauce. Fresh local tomatoes, caper berries chopped, my preserved Meyer Lemons diced, pancetta , a squeeze of anchovy paste, EVOO fresh basil and Parmesan grated on top. Toasted SD. 




Profile picture for user copynumbervariant

I bought a banneton because dough kept sticking to the floured cloth I was lining a bowl with. I've made two loaves with it and it hasn't stuck yet. The first was a 1 kg 30% whole wheat loaf, which I scored too shallowly to get the dramatic relief of my previous 1 kg loaf. It has the most even crumb of the sourdough loaves I've made. My loaves always have a dense area in the bottom middle. Probably that's where I'm pinching everything together when I'm shaping the boule, and popping all the bubbles from bulk fermentation.

Champlain goes to Germany!

Profile picture for user not.a.crumb.left

I had to squeeze in another bake before visiting family in Germany  and as they normally just see photos I wanted to take a loaf with me. I also came across some white spelt from Doves Farm rather than the usual WW spelt and the dough felt much softer.....

Inspired by Ru's scoring I gave a pattern a go for the first time!

The square scoring turned the other loaf into a spaceship....

Sourdough Country French English Muffins

Profile picture for user GregH3000

The recipe is from George Greenstein's Secrets of a Jewish Baker, but I'm using the starter from Silverton's Breads from the La Brea Bakery and omitting any commercial yeast. 

My brother usually won't eat my English Muffins, but I thought I would give it the old college try one more time; he is used to Old Bay brand, and is very picky about his muffins tasting just like them (he won't even eat Thomas').