Blog posts

Hansjoakim's 70% Sourdough Rye -- My Attempt

Profile picture for user WatertownNewbie

A few weeks ago, someone posted about a rye bread, and David Snyder referenced a recipe for Hansjoakim's 70% Sourdough Rye.  Having dabbled a bit with whole rye flour (as in Field Blend #2 from FWSY), but never having plunged deeply into that area, I decided to give it a go. Especially because the recipe sounded relatively simple and straightforward.

If you are looking for a bread with a nice rye flavor and texture, try this one.  Thanks, David!

Granite slab "a la" Alfonso

Profile picture for user pul

 I have setup a granite slab to bake some baggies up to 12" long. Following Alfonso's setup, this one seems to work quite well. My oven has no bottom heating element, so I have to flip the baggies to color their bottoms. No big deal, and some initial poolish baggies yield seen below. Yep, they look more like batards, but tasted great.


Ah merde (can i say that ?)

Profile picture for user kendalm

My poor little oven is dying a slow death. It no longer gets above 500f - this bake took 25 minutes - a good bake for long baguettes should be 20 max preferably 18. Result, disappointing pop, but fortunately decent structure on the inside. Dark on the bottom and thicker tougher crust. This mix was rather low and slow on yeast getting about 1.5 volume overnight on cold retard had these puppies been given a bit more kick i am sure they'd be fantastic ... Quelle dommage !

The perfect 'Fools Crumb'

Profile picture for user not.a.crumb.left

I set myself the target whether I can produce a really good example of a 'Fool's crumb' with all the

features that Trevor describes in his book.

Not really - I tried an experiment with Champlains to use extended cold bulk fermentation in my wine cooler overnight, shape in the morning and totally misjudged the 2nd proof!

But, rather than only share the good, here you also get the 'ugly' and this might be useful for someone learning. Certainly when I started off, I did not know what underproofed loaves looked in comparism to overproofed etc.

Seeded SD v3

Profile picture for user Ru007

Hello friends - 

This weekend, I revisited my seeded SD. The recipe is very similar to the last version except:

  • I changed the seed blend a bit, added some pumpkin seeds and upped the total amount of seeds from 19% to 23% and
  • I adjusted the flour blend, less white (79% is now 71%), more whole wheat (19% is now 24%) and more rye (2% is now 5%). 


Lucy Made Banana Bread.

Profile picture for user dabrownman

This s take off from out our normal Banana bread cupcakes that we like because they are iced with sprinkles bt Lucy was not having the least bit of interest tn more work on a busy Saturday and said in the pan it goes.

Walnut Bread: Not One Not Two But Three Ways


I was on a walnut kick recently. This gave rise to these three walnut bread formulas. Turns out the simplest and most low-maintenance formula of the three, the sourdough with sprouted flour and mixed grains, is still my favourite.


Walnut Sourdough with 20% Rye and 30% Sprouted Red Wheat


Dough flour:

Made some loaf bread for the fam

Profile picture for user texasbakerdad

Stole a recipe out of "The Laurel's Kitchen Bread Book". Fresh Milk Bread. Milk, Butter, Water, Yeast, 100% whole wheat. The bread turned out beautifully and sliced easily. I was much more confident today deciding when the dough was fully proofed and everything worked out quite well. On the first loaf, my scoring was too hesitant, on the second loaf I just went for it and got a clean score right off the bat, even though the score should have been a bit deeper. I feel like I am getting better every loaf!