Blog posts

100% Whole Spelt 96% Hydration Sourdough

Profile picture for user Benito

I'm still working on learning to bake with 100% whole spelt since I received a lovely Christmas present of a 2 kg bag of Anita's Organic Whole Spelt from the mill!  So to also learn about about the use of a stiff sweet levain I thought I'd use one in this non enriched dough for the first time.  As you may know having a significant amount of sugar in the starter creates osmotic pressure causing the microbes to dehydrate.  This has a greater negative effect on the LAB than it does on the yeast.

Whole Einkorn and Rye Chocolate Chip Sablés

Profile picture for user Benito

I've been meaning to make these sablés for some time.  I've adapted a recipe I found in Jennifer Lapidus' book Southern Ground.



240g (2⅔ cups) whole-rye flour

270g (2¼ cups) whole einkorn flour

390g (1¾ cups) unsalted butter, at room temperature

180g (1 cup) granulated sugar, plus more for sprinkling, I would use turbinado sugar for coating in the future rather than granulated

½ teaspoon fine sea salt

100g (4 ounces) bittersweet chocolate, chopped


For 20 cookies

Red wine marbled tin loaf

Profile picture for user anmoo
Two loafs:420g APF, 80g whole wheat, 375g water/red wine 10g salt, 90g starter. (Boule) 175 g APF, 75g bread flour, 60g starter, 5g salt, 190g water/redwine infused with rosemary 175 g APF, 75g bread flour, 60g starter, 5g salt, 190g redwine infused with rosemary (tinloaf) Both baked in a gas oven 1hr.The marbled loaf had a great aroma, the rosemary was nice and dominant, the wine, only a tiny bit. I cooked the fresh rosemary twig in the wine for about 20mins.Definitely will play around with wine&herbs more ;O)

Tuna and Marinated Vegetables Sourdough Pizza

Profile picture for user Benito

It is time for another two pizza nights as it had been some time since our last pizzas.  If you haven’t tried tuna on pizza you owe it to yourself to try it.  Make sure you buy good Italian tuna in olive oil, not the North American canned tuna because the Italian tuna is so much better.  Since trying it several years ago I just can’t eat other canned tuna anymore, they are just lacking something in both texture and flavour.

For 4 9” pizzas NY style thin crust 200 g each 

Levain Build 100% hydration 35 g needed 


Profile picture for user The Roadside Pie King

So I found this volume measurement-based Cream cheese bun recipe. I set out to just covert the formula to mass measurements, However, I was slightly uncomfortable with the statement, "more flour may be needed." At that point, I set out to determine the baker percentage and hydration. At this point, it became crystal clear why the formula might need "more flour." I determined (if my mathematics and assumptions are correct) over 90% hydration. I tweaked this on the front side for a more manageable 61% hydration. Seeing as the recipe called for a yield of 30 buns.