Blog posts

Buttermilk-Spelt with large preferments

Profile picture for user JonJ

David Snyder has previously posted a magnificent recipe for a Buttermilk-Spelt sourdough bread (originally by Cecilia Agni Hadiyanto). This is a tweak of David's recipe to accommodate a large preferment, mostly because I've lately been wanting shorter bulk and proof times on my breads. Since my sourdough starter hadn't been fed for a week in the fridge when I did this one, I also added in a yeast water preferment as an insurance that the bread would rise.

Been a bit too hot to bake

Profile picture for user yozzause

We have experienced some extreme  hot weather over here in Perth Western Australia for the Christmas / New Year  break  record temperatures  with 42 degrees and sustained high 30's for a couple of weeks the only baking was the poor plants in the garden that got well and truely frizzled

Buckwheat Borodinsky w Black Sesame and Solod

Profile picture for user happycat

Inspiration for A 100% Buckwheat Borodinsky

Dark buckwheat and dark rye are easy for some of us to confuse in a bulk food store particularly when we're masked up and only half paying attention. So what happens when you load up on dark buckwheat in your basket and then realize what you've done? They share some characteristics such as low usable gluten and gellability using scalds. So, why not try using buckwheat in some rye recipes? Since my mind is always playing around with things to see what happens, this seemed like a fun little adventure.

Vienna Bread

Profile picture for user albacore

Vienna Bread


While looking through my copy of "Manna" for a particular recipe, I chanced upon the chapter entitled "Vienna Bread". Vienna bread became very popular throughout most of Europe towards the end of the 19th century, with the arrival of roller milled white flour, compressed  yeast and steam injected ovens.

It is characterised by a soft, fairly tight crumb and a thin crispy crust and is usually made as rolls or small batons.

Ciabatta Breadsticks


A few months ago, Jack Sturgess mentioned that a breadstick challenge stumped most of the British Bake Off contestants. I happened to be making a batch of ciabatta at the time, so I thought, why not dedicate some of the dough to breadsticks. The results were pretty good and we love a crunchy snack with our nightly glass or two of wine. Anyway, after 4 passes, I think I finally have a repeatable process that produces attractive, munchable grissini.

YW two ways Kernza two ways and some t65- porridge bread /crumb added

Profile picture for user trailrunner


Used one whole bag /1# of the new Kernza grain I received this week. I made a YW levain and used YW as part of the hydration. I prepped and flaked 1/2 the Kernza and ground the rest into flour . I have my second order from L’Epicerie for the t65 arriving Monday so used that as well as some Turkey Red that I ground . 

Ammerlander Schwarzbrot (Germany) - The Rye Baker

Profile picture for user CalBeachBaker

Ammerland Black Bread   Ammerlander Schwarzbrot (Germany)

The Rye Baker by Stanley Ginsberg

I baked this bread mid-Dec and haven't had a chance to post. 

This bread is a nice heavy and crunchy loaf. I think I baked it a little too long which made it a tad dry but I wanted to be sure it was not gummy.

Tasting Notes: