Blog posts

Today’s red fife loaf

Profile picture for user suminandi

Today’s red fife loaf. I dropped the hydration a bit from the recent loaves. The past few loaves have been tending to relax a lot while in proofing and flattening out bit. So I brought the hydration down a bit from 78% to 75%. Added a small amount of olive oil for flavor. 
Very good wholewheat flavor with malty notes. Soft crumb - not at all chewy. I’m getting the hang of this grain, which is weaker than the northern red spring wheat I usually use. Could have proofed a bit longer, but not bad for 100% wholegrain. 

Sour Dough in a Zojjirushi.


We have been using the World standard Zojirushi for many years.

A truly consistant and effective machine that just needs a replacement bowl and paddles every 1,500 loaves or so.

More recently, I have been attempting to create sour dough loaves in this beast.

I have however, been completly stymied by the Zojirushi incorporating a knock back prior to both rises 2 and 3.

In addition, although the first rise may be set very long, the secondary rise periods are much shorter than a true sour dough requires.  Thus, skipping rise 2, doesn't help.

NMNF Puzzle


Da Brownman's instructions for building a starter contain this instruction:

The starter should double 4 hours after the 2nd feeding. If it doesn't then toss the 2nd feeding total amount by weight and redo it.

I don't understand what this accomplishes. If I have 70gm of starter at the second feeding but it doesn't double, what is the advantage of throwing out 35 gram and adding new flour and water?

I'm sure there is a reason, but my old brain can't quite grasp it. I'd welcome any clarification. Thanks,


Ricotta Whole Wheat Potato Porridge Bread

Profile picture for user Isand66

      It's been a while since I made a porridge bread.  I love the moist and flavorful crumb I always get from these types of bakes.

I added some leftover mashed potatoes for some extra flavor and the ricotta cheese added even more moisture to the creamy crumb.

The end result was an extremely flavorful bread with a moderately open crumb.

Best Panettone so far... [updated]

Profile picture for user mwilson

Super-massive oven spring!

Based on a formula by Iginio Massari.

I was able to add extra water to the dough because the strength was so good.

Marriage's flour is excellent!


1st dough (12hrs @ 26C)




lievito madre (50% hydration)




Various quarantine bakes

Profile picture for user ifs201

Across the board these have not been my most attractive bakes, but they've gotten the job done. It's also been interesting to try a lot of new recipes and to use some different flours as I'm now away from home and without my MockMill. I wanted to share the recipes I used in case anyone else is looking for some new recipes. 


Einkorn, Red Fife Sourdough No. 1

Profile picture for user Benito

We are all seeing how flour is harder to come by lately with the pandemic and everyone baking.  So, when I went to one of my go to places for organic flours here in Toronto I picked up more than I usually do including some Einkorn which I’ve never tasted or baked with on a whim.  I then found an instagram post of Kirsten’s Full Proof Baking that had some einkorn in it and decided to give it a go.


100% hydration levain - 1:1:1 6 hours @ 78ºF 

Levain need 97 g 100% hydration

40 g starter

40 g water

40 g whole wheat flour