Loaf 6: toasted sunflower seeds, 100% Ruchmehl

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Been getting my head round sourdough and this is probably my most successful loaf yet! Can't remember where I read it, but distinguishing dough that has come to the end of its bulk as "whipped cream", vs "just cream" at the start, has made a big difference to aeration. I'm also practicing my slap and folds.

Here in Switzerland we have some great flours. My German and my French is pretty poor. I've stopped trying to follow English recipes stringently and just go by feel instead. This is 100% Ruchmehl, which I think is a whole grain flour. Either way it tastes lovely.

The toasted sunflower seeds gave a gorgeous nuttiness to the bread, super aromatic. I was worried about discolouring the inside of my DO, which happened last time I preheated it empty for a bit too long, so I put it in cold. No difference!

Sunflower seed loaf on a wire rack, decorated with seeds on the outside

Outside texture of the loaf up close, showing external seeds and blisters
Inside crumb of loaf, showing lots of nice little and medium bubbles and tasty toasted sunflower seeds.