yeasty-loaf's blog
A fresh loaf, a fresh start.

This weekend will see me take the first tentative steps in to the world of Sourdough and naturally leavened breads. My barm (pictured above) that I fondly refer to as ‘Susie’ is strong and ready to go. It’s scary but also very exciting to be taking the first steps away from my comfort zone of using fresh yeast – I feel I get better results both is action and taste with fresh - and the yeasted loaf which in comparison is quite predictable and going in to this new frontier of Sourdough.
Today's Yeasty Loaf experiment.

I've been playing about with my enriched direct dough formula. I reduced the enrichment and the result was a lighter, springier texture to the crumb whilst maintaining a good crust and flavour. I wish I could post a picture but I don't know how to post more than 1 on a post. I would go as far as to say the flavour was slightly improved by the reduced enrichment. I think next time I will reduce the butter & sugar a little more.