Blog posts

Purple Sweet Potato Pecan Einkorn Sourdough

Profile picture for user Benito

This is my first time working with purple sweet potatoes.  I find that the flavour is slightly more floral than the more common orange variety.  I was hoping to have more oven spring from this but overall I’m fairly pleased with the bake.

To make about 900 g total dough 

Levain 20% 74 g 1:1:1 6 hours @ 78ºF

35 g starter 35 g water 35 g whole wheat flour 


Autolyse 2 hours

90% bread flour 331 g

10% white spring flour 41 g (I used Einkorn)

Diastatic malt 0.5% 2.045 g


Water 275 g

Resurrection Bread

Profile picture for user Katja

This is a second try based on James Morton's Revival Bread from Brilliant Bread. This is bread made with 30% old bread soaker. I made it exactly as specified once before, and was disappointed, but always wanted to give it another try.

A couple of weeks ago I made Hamelman's 70% rye with coarse rye meal and it was an inedible disaster, so I cut it up in chunks and froze them.

I'm calling my version Resurrection Bread because I can never remember the name of the recipe correctly :-). Morton says:

My Baking Journey..... thus far


I live in the US and 6 weeks ago major parts of the economy started shutting down due to the outbreak of COVID-19. People rushed to the grocery stores and started stocking on food and other products in anticipation that they would need to stay put for a while.

Seeded Loaf


Technically this isn't bread. I've had it on my bucket list for the longest time. This is where it comes from: It's simple to make. For my taste buds I would have added a bit more salt. I'm glad I tried it, might make it again, would be great to slice and put in the oven to make crisps, but don't know this will go into regular rotation. Enjoy if you try it..

Fun Doughs for my Family... Plus Reinhart Rye


My family loves my sourdoughs...despite the fact that I tear them all apart...but I decided to be nice to them today and make some enriched and flavored doughs. I am having so much fun and so many questions about this or that that I could crank out 10 experimental loaves a day but must show some control. Just not much!

Breakfast- Raspberry Cream Cheese Braid

Basic 100% Whole Wheat SD: A Lesson About Over-proofing


Admittedly, it doesn't look like much, but there is a story to this.

After baking >10 loaves of cheese bread in a row, I decided to take a break from it and whip up a simple dough instead. This dough contained nothing but water, whole wheat flour and salt. Ok, there were also walnuts but they weren’t part of the “dough”. Although the dough was well developed, I accidentally let it over-proof for quite a bit… Uh oh… Yet thanks to this, I now feel more confident about rescuing over-proofed dough.

Country Rye (Tartine)

Profile picture for user WatertownNewbie

From the number of recent postings about sourdough starters, it appears that many have taken up bread baking.  This seemed a good opportunity to illustrate various steps during my preparation of Country Rye from the Tartine book.  I always benefit from seeing what something is supposed to look like, which is why I have included so many photos.