Blog posts

My first batard

Profile picture for user justkeepswimming

Catching up after a few days offline, last one for today, lol.

I made this one a few days ago, using Abe's VSSD process and following the same recipe/process as last time. Our kitchen was a few degrees warmer, and the dough rose overnight on the counter to 3x size - much better than the last attempt. 

100% whole wheat, home milled

Profile picture for user justkeepswimming

Abe posted this a few days ago, and I decided to give it a try. This had to be the easiest and best 100% whole wheat I have ever made!! For anyone who enjoys home milling, watch the video and give it a try. This is the first time I haven't had to do something else (add some AP or bread flour, follow Reinhart's "epoxy" biga/soaker method, or something else) to get a decent rise and crumb. Really happy with the simplicity of this!!

My dough info:

New bread knife

Profile picture for user justkeepswimming

As a general rule, my husband and I tend to make do with what we have. It's an approach we adopted after a few too many spontaneous purchases that were never really needed in the first place. But once in a while it's really worth getting what you want or "need". 

New ish


Well I’m not sure how to start, as this is my first post, so I’ll give a little bit of a backstory...

I work as a chef in the middle of the country close to my home. I don’t don’t do top end fine dining rubbish;  I do good quality local homemade produce which I put a lot of care into. With the soul problem being, that I simply don’t have enough time to create and do new things as much as I want if I don’t have a bit of knowledge on what it is to begin with. Anyone else who works in a kitchen will likely understand where I’m coming from.


Profile picture for user pmccool

A week or so ago, my sister said “Let's make bismarks.”  So today we made bismarks, aka paczki.  Two batches, as a matter of fact.  It was one of our favorite things that Mom made.  Today, there are a number of happy McCool kids, grandkids, and great-grandkids reliving memories of Mom/Grandma/Great-Grandma Joyce and her bismarks.  

We never just make food.  We make a tangible expression of our love with everything that we prepare. And memories; strong, lasting memories. 


38th bake. 02/09/2021. 3rd durum CB: 70% WW +semolina +KABF

Profile picture for user idaveindy

Feb. 9 - 10, 2021.

This is my 3rd bake for the Durum Community Bake. Previous blog entry, bake #2, for this CB is at:

Goals here are:

  • Increase the soak,
  • more fermentation (inoculation + time),
  • use less WW durum as a percentage -- it's just too sticky!
  • use some semolina (gritty type, and low bran) to keep the % durum high.
