Blog posts

7 Grain Porridge Bread w/ Toasted Walnuts

Profile picture for user windycityloafster

I have been making a lot of simple loaves, experimenting with new flours but not really trying to work anything into my bread. Then the other day I felt like making a porridge bread. I loosely based it on Tartine 3's rye porridge recipe, but cut down on the toasted walnuts, omitted the walnut oil, upped the hydration and used a 7 grain porridge mix I got from an Amish store a while back. I've lost the label but I think it was rye, hard red wheat, soft white wheat, spelt, oats, triticale, and maybe some buckwheat, I can't really remember.

The Perfect Loaf Weekday Sourdough

Profile picture for user Levainathan

I'm a new user and I'm very excited to join this community! I'm super impressed with the supportive and positive atmosphere that has been created. I've been a sourdough baker for years but haven't really been consistent in my methods until I recently read a blog post about starter acidity and its effect on gluten which got my brain buzzing. It prompted more reading which brought me to TFL a few weeks ago. Since then I've chosen my practice loaf, actually started taking notes,  and have been happily nerding out on it.

Black Sesame Seeded Sourdough

Profile picture for user Carlo_Panadero

Made and baked last year and was posted on Instagram, I'm trying to put all my bakes on here! So! this was a loaf that is covered with lots of black sesame seeds, Flavour was okay but should have added some seeds to dough as well. That would my next experiment! So many plans!

Croissants Crumb '100% Sourdough and Yeasted'

Profile picture for user Carlo_Panadero

There's been a lot of practice and failure on making these and I bet if do this again I might fail again, I'm planning on making a tutorial video on these as well.

Waiting and proofing is the hardest part on making these but with patience(a Lot) I manage to do it...

Sourdough Croissants 

200g Strong Bakers Flour

CB: Hamelman’s Semolina Pain au Levain with Poolish


Blog post in progress

As of Mix Day ( February 8)...

Deviated slightly from recipe on percentage levain and included a Semola poolish.

Levain Build, start 36 hours before mix

  • 3 generations x 12 hours, all Bread Flour, 125% hydration 

Poolish, 12 hours before mix

  • 200 g water, 200g Semola Rimacinata, 1/4 t ADY
  • beautiful creamy color, less bulk, denser than AP poolish

Mix target 2000 g dough for 2 batards

Two in a row is a good way to end the week

Profile picture for user HeiHei29er

After making my first successful loaf earlier this week, the goal this weekend was to see if I could reproduce that first loaf using my starter directly from the refrigerator.  If I could do that, it would go a long way towards building some confidence.  Happy to say that I think I've got two in a row!

Managing two bakes at once

Profile picture for user kendalm

Woah did I get a surprise today, extra dark baguettes.  Needed a boost of heat toward the end and so I activated the top elements on my bread oven.  Meanwhile went to inspect my canele progress and kinda forgot about the bread.  Got a bit darker than I usually shoot for.  Kinda happy though- cheers alfanso - did I make proud going to the dark side ?