Blog posts

Experimenting with Ancient Grains

Profile picture for user Carlo_Panadero

20% White Khorasan Sourdough with 10% Wholemeal Spelt.


Recipe for 2 medium Loaves: 

490g Strong Bread Flour

140g White Khorasan

70g Wholemeal Spelt Flour

525g Water(34c deg)

140g Starter

14g Salt


2 Hours Autolyse

Add starter and rest for 30 minutes then add salt and mix.

Using slap and folds with 10 minutes rest interval until the dough is smooth and developed gluten.


5 hours Total Fermentation before pre shape. With 2 Stretch and folds(30 minutes rest intervals


Chocolate Sourdough

Profile picture for user DanAyo

JR posted his Chocolate Sourdough bread and it inspired me to give it a try. Two changes were made. The salt was reduced to 1.8% and 3% honey was added.

The chocolate paste tasted very bitter, so just enough honey was added to offset the bitter. But not enough to make the bread noticeably sweet. 

Introduction: foodforthought


I decided I should be more than an occasional commenter on forum posts so thought a formal introduction would be a good way to kick off my TFL blog. I most especially would like to reduce the bloat of the community bake threads so will post a link once to CBs if I participate but try to keep any discussion channeled back here. Worth a try anyway.

37th bake. 02/05/2021. 2nd Durum CB: 78% WW durum, + KABF

Profile picture for user idaveindy

Friday Feb. 5, 2021.

This is my 2nd loaf in the Semolina/durum Community Bake. Previous loaf here:

The goals here are to use mostly whole grain durum with a portion of bread flour to get a better crumb, and  to use enough sourdough starter and instant dry yeast to bake it tonight.

Fresh Fig Swirl

Profile picture for user yozzause

I was very fortunate to be given a quantity of fresh figs that i wanted to use in baking, unfortunately my first attempt proved to be a failure.Yes i still have them occasionally too.